<Krayt> Mythic Raid Progression [Horde]

Guild Information:
    8/8 Normal Uldir
    8/8 Heroic Uldir
    2/8 Mythic Uldir
    US - Emerald Dream | Horde
    Mythic Progression Oriented

    Tuesday (7-10 p.m. Server Time)
    Wednesday (Optional Sale of Heroics)
    Thursday (7-10 p.m. Server Time)

About Us:

Krayt is a multi-game community assembled by seasoned MMO veterans. Currently, we are looking to add members to our mythic raiding guild. Our goal is to be at the forefront of mythic raiding in the BFA expansion.

While progression is the heart of our group, we maintain a lively and fun atmosphere for our members. Our community enjoys a variety of games to include HotS, R6S, Overwatch, PUBG, Realm Royale, and more. Every Sunday our community conducts Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.

Consider joining our ranks and enjoy the professionalism, skill, and dedication of an ever growing community. Welcome to Krayt and thank you for your time.


Currently, we are looking for ranged-dps with a high focus on Affliction Warlocks, Mages, and Balance Druids.

To apply to Krayt, please visit our website at https://krayt.gg/ or contact our Guild Master at:
Still seeking ranged dps with a high need for Warlocks. Also seeking a talented rogue.
Seeking raiders with a high focus on Affliction Warlocks, Mages, and Balance Druids, a rogue, and a Holy Paladin.