KotG for m+ needs looked at

Hero class balance within a singular class is always going to be an issue where one hero tree will likely dominate certain game formats (like disc voidweaver in m+ or KotG in raid for druid). However, for druid it’s the underwhelming power of KotG that really ruins it in m+.

The nail in the coffin for KotG was when they reintroduced a nerfed version of our DF S3/4 4pc tier set as a talent in the final portion of the talent tree. This talent made it no longer possible to snag reforestation without making a hefty sacrifice. Coupled with Convoke already being a more sought after cooldown then the 3 minute incarn, it made KotG the obvious worse choice.

KotG needs incarn and reforestation over convoke. The extra treants which play into the capstone hero power giving us more healing and more dream petals is the desirable way to play the spec. The whole tree is centered around getting these buffs from treants yet the optimal way to play is with convoke (again, mind you this is for m+)

Make Incarn a 1.5 to 2 min Cd. Remove the CD reduction every time a treant expires and replace it with what reforestation does. Replace reforestation with something else or just split up one of the capstone choice nodes. Lastly, change the choice node in the hero tree where you choose from treants buffing certain hots or treants giving mini Cenarion wards to treants buffing hots or our DF S3/4 2 piece giving our treants and nourishes cleave

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