Kosh'harg 2025

It’s time for OrcCon again!

War Wolves Presents:

The Kosh’harg Festival

Once a seasonal meeting of the clans that turned into a full-on festival celebration. Join us to learn of history, culture, feasting, and hunting, and most importantly to honor the elements and ancestors! This festival will be open to all Horde Races, and we invite them to come celebrate with us.

“I always looked forward to the Kosh’harg festivals in Nagrand, for it was a time of rare friendship.” ~ Chieftain Durotan.

Dates: April 3rd to April 5th
Time: 7:30PM server time (CST)
Faction: Horde
Servers: Hosted on Moon Guard, Open to all RP servers.
Rules for such are within our discord FAQ.

Discord Link: discord.gg/gQbFazeFAB

This year’s schedule will be as follows:

Clan Rep Stories
Offerings To The Ancestors
Wolf Racing
Totem Carving
Om’gora Ceremonies
Lo’bosh Ceremony
…And More Games!
As well as an afterparty too!

Om’gora this year will be held the week prior to the Kosh’harg Festival.

Signups for clanreps and Om’gora can be seen within our Discord Announcements channel.


Zug Zug time

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Is the Orc Rolling Contest back?

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It is! We offer slime for the wrestling pits.

I love it when people embrace the other races in this game, I feel like the past few years rp has been very elf/dragon centered that he horde lost a good chunk of its identity.

<3 keep at it!


Agreed! Come join us!

I love it when people embrace the other races in this game

The Kosh’harg festival is open to all Horde races/characters, so feel free to get involved in the fun!

We Darkwolves will be there!

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Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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It’s coming up soon! People looking for Horde side RP should definitely join in.

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Ill be there scowling ! :military_helmet: