Kosarus the Fallen Enrage Bug - Torghast

There is a game breaking bug regarding the enrage mechanic for the final boss of the first floor of the Fracture Chambers (Kosarus the Fallen). The tooltip says that the enrage has 14 seconds remaining. However, it does not go down at all (it goes to 13 then resets to 14 again). Also, this enrage stacks very quickly, going all the way up to 99 stacks, which makes it impossible to stay alive. I was in a group with one other person, so maybe it is better if I solo it. Please fix this! I am a rogue and I have no way to dispell enemy enrage.

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I don’t know why it shows my profile as a level 10 undead priest, I am a max level Vulpera rogue. I just changed it so hopefully it won’t affect anything.

Yeah I have the same bug going on. Got the whole way and just die after 15 seconds

Same thing happened to me

I thought it was bugged at first too but then I noticed at the start of the fight he casts Predator’s Gaze which says:

“The caster’s gaze falls upon the battlefield, enraging the caster while enemies are moving.”

So whenever you move, the enrage stacks/refreshes. The trick to the fight is to move as little as possible, preferably only when you have to avoid the purple swirlies (they will pretty much one shot you even solo). You have enough time to wait for the buff to drop off before moving (have to wait a second or so after they appear). You can also stun the boss to delay the odd one or 2 casts if you need extra time.

If you move just outside the purple swirly, he will only go up to about 15-20 stacks, then you can wait 15s before moving again. He will start casting swirlies after about 13-14s though so have to wait a sec before moving, or stun (can’t interrupt with kick). If you have leap/blink/venthyr you only get 1-2 stacks if you use those to move out.


thankyou this helped

Did you figure this boss out? I tried it on Subtlety last night. Didn’t lose a life until that boss, where I was basically instakilled every time lol.

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Can confirm that this is not a bug. It is likely massively overturned for what it is.

As above - the boss has a few mechanics noted below.

The first Enraged Buff (eye type icon) is gained when ANYONE in the party moves. Thus everyone basically has to stay STILL to avoid the boss getting this buff. Any movement from an individual will add a stack, and any movement from anyone in a party can add to it too. This can stack up to 99% - which can effectively one shot dps and kill a tank very quickly. To prevent the boss gaining and to drop stacks, the WHOLE party needs to remain stationary.

Second, the boss passively has an ability that makes him gain damage and once it gets to 10 it will become immune to CC.

Third, throughout the fight the boss gains an enrage separate to the first one which is based on movement of the tank. Staying stationary again is key to dealing with this.

Last, he will cast a collapse ability which summons shadow orbs with a massive AOE from the air around the arena that one shots DPS. Never tested if this can be immuned/cloaked.


At the start of the fight you should pop lust and all your DPS CD’s and try to burn him. Stay spread out so you don’t overlap the Collapse ability. Moving in will likely gain him a few stacks. Move to a position ASAP and then stay still. You will notice that the enrage buff will tick down from 15 seconds I believe.

Thus if the whole party remains stationary you can effectively nullify the buff and cause it to drop off. This becomes much easier to do as you can stun the cast once or twice before he becomes fully immune to CC. The difficulty comes from having to remain stationary but also moving out of the Collapse.

What you should do is: Position at the Start -> Boss likely has Enraged Buff -> Stun Collapse Cast -> Make sure Enrage Buff falls off -> Collapse is casted -> Move ONLY once buff is off

TBCH 10-20 stacks is fine to heal - but once he becomes immune to CC (can’t interrupt collapse) you must ensure that the party doesn’t move. The enrage buff takes 15 seconds to fall off if everyone is staying still - and collapse is normally casted with 3 seconds of the dbuff remaining. Try not to move until the buff is fully off - you should have around 1 or 2 seconds max to move out of the collapse after the buff has fallen off.

If you can do the above then you should be fine.


  1. Lust on pull and once you find a location stop moving
    1a. The boss gains enrage stacks (up to 99%) if ANYONE in the party is moving
    1b. If someone moves early (when the enrage has 2 seconds left) it will reset back to 15 seconds - it is important no one moves until the buff is off
  2. Interrupt (stun) the Collapse cast while he is not immune to CC
    2a. Once the Enrage buff falls off be prepared to move after collapse is casted
  3. ONLY move once the Enrage buff has fallen off - watch his character portrait closely
  4. If timed correctly and no one moves earlier, the frenzy buff should fall off while collapse is finished casting and you should be able to move out of it

Rinse and repeat the above means that his stacks should not ever get above 20. The boss even at 20 stacks is 100% healable - so this is more about mechanics than zerging.

I must admit this is VERY overturned in comparison to some other bosses I have encountered. I did this in a 4-man and the boss had 2mil health.

I haven’t tried the encounter with smoke bombs so I wonder if you can smoke bomb his melee attacks (thus making his melee attacks negligible, meaning 99 stacks of enrage won’t hurt) and if the smoke bomb can mitigate the collapse. If anyone has tested please respond. I also wonder if stutter stepping/jumping counts as movement.

Good luck all!


Not sure about smoke bombs but it should work as hunter’s turtle shell negates his damage

Thank you sooooo much for this!!! I could never repay you for your dedication to appeasing my frustration.

Was doing this on my DK and got screwed. Had the anima power that made enemies push back from me. Worked in the beginning stopping the casting of his buff, but once he got to the phase where he can’t be CCed I got wrecked, I couldn’t stay on him due to the power.


Avoid powers that knockback enemies from you while in combat