Korthia Rares and the Map

Is there any rhyme or reason as to which rares show up on the main map and which only show up on the mini map?

Can’t seem to figure out any criteria for this and wonder if it’s a bug.

Also, seems like it’s mostly arbitrary which chests show up on the mini map and which don’t.

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I was wondering that too since Korthia launched. I don’t get why some do and some don’t. I do know though the minimap should always show any rare when you are close to it via the minimap but as for hitting “M” for the main map and why some don’t show is beyond me.

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And it seems to have changed over the course of the expansion, some that used to show up don’t anymore.

Which ones do you mean?

It seems to be a variety of factors. Some turn up regularly (Consumption, Wild Whatsit that Popo fights, Escaped Wilderling). Some seem to show up not really triggered by anything in particular but more rarely (Screaming Shade, Ve’rayn). Others pop if you kill enough mobs in their area so they tend to turn up more on days when there are dailies there (Kroke, Malbog, Dominated Protector).

The only ones that seem to consistantly show up on the main map are the teleporters, popo, corpse heap, that dragon you ride, and one of the island rares.

The rest have to be discovered on your mini map. And just now I noticed that the bird rare from the island stopped showing up on the main map, or only shows up once in a while.

I bought that item you get from the Catalog Research NPC, Archivist Roh-Suir, that shows you rares in Korthia. Short of that, I also have two Addons, MyRareFinder and RareScanner, which help me find rares and treasures.

Handy Notes Treasures, the Addon, for each expansion also helps. But yes, it would be nice for us to see which rares and treasures are up on both our mini map and main map at all times to make our lives easier. : p

Consumption won’t show up on the map but Corpse Heap would.

Seems to be the Cov ones and rift ones show up on the map and the others don’t.

Seems that if one of the covenant events is not started yet, the mini map star will show up but ONLY for members of the correct covenant. Once the even is actually started, those ones will show up on the real map for everyone to see. Those events require a person of the correct covenant to talk to an NPC to start the event.

As for the ones that don’t show up on the main map that aren’t covenant related, I think it may be blizz’s attempt to make them feel “rare” again because it makes you have to look for them. Not sure though.

Even worse, ive found that if my main kills a rare, it wont show up for my alts.

I see the vent or kyrian one that’s on the island all the time and I’m NF.

Is that before or after consumption becomes a rare elite? I don’t believe he pings when he first spawns. Hence why people get annoyed when you kill him before he ripens.

It seems that only the ones who have some type of zone-wide spawn announcement show on main map.

I don’t think he shows up either way. Malbog also doesn’t show up on the map or the dormant protector. I also don’t think the red bird thingy that drops the mount shows up on the map or the big dude just south of town.

You see it when it’s already been activated. Not when the NPC is waiting to be spoken to

You might be right, I thought I’ve seen it only to find the NPC to talk to, but I could be misremembering.

Popo definitely shows up before being talked to.

FWIW, I filed a bug on this soon after 9.1 was released.

Edit: I suspect his happens because Korthia seems heavily phased, which is also why rares can vanish and then show up again, even though nobody has killed them. Same with chest; run around a tree, it dissapears and then suddenly shows up again.

Rares won’t show up on the minimap unless there’s been some interaction with them, with the exception of the 2 bosses (see below). Some (I think) don’t show up on the map even then.

Let’s go through them:

Covenant events - These DO NOT show up on the minimap until a player has activated them, at which point they show up as a star. For example, as Kyrian, if Popo is available for the potion patrol, she does not show up as a star even if I’m Kyrian. But once I activate her, she shows up as a star on the map for everyone.
In this case, activating the event is “engaging” it.

Bosses - Konthragz and the Towering Stove Man - these are the guys who emerge from the portal that sometimes spawns after killing a different rare. They DO show up as a star when their portal appears, and there are several waves of adds that spawn from the right before the boss emerges.
In this case, killing the previous rare is considered to be “engaging” these.

The Rift Rares - Silent Soulstalker, Deadsoul Hatcher, and Screaming Shade - These do NOT show up as a star on the mini-map until somebody goes into the rift and yoinks them out.
In this case, yoinking them from the rift is considered to be “engaging” them.

Relic-Breaker Krelva - Krelva, when she spawns, does not appear on the map. However, somebody has to attack her on her spawn island, then fight her on island 2, then fight her again on the mainland. From the moment somebody attacks her on her spawn island, she shows up as a star on the map.
In this case, attacking Krelva on her main island is “engaging” her.

The teleporter rares show up when the teleporter is activated, even if nobody has attacked them yet.
In this case, repairing the teleporter is “engaging” the boss. I guess.

The Supply Carriage shows up as a star when it’s getting ready to leave. It’s the odd man out. The Supply Carriage is the only rare/event that shows on the map without somebody engaging it.

That leaves just the humdrum stuff (Kroke, Floppy the Cave Bunny, Reliwik, and Dominated Protector) who, I think, don’t show up on the map at all.

And then there’s Yorik, who never leaves the rift so how can you tell. But Yorik has like a 30 second respawn so who cares.

Oh, I should also mention Guard Orguluus, who also is permanently in the rift, and doesn’t show up as a star on the map. Also, nobody seems to know about him, even though he drops Archivist research, so… people should go fight him more.

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Popo shows up for me on the “m” map from start to finish and I’m night fae.

But really the question is why some only show up on the mini map and not the “M” map.

And I see the rift rares on the mini map before activation, but not on the “m” map.