I logged on my main and saw five daily quest NPCs, yet when I log on my alt, there are only three. The missing ones being Kyrians, my alt’s covenant.
Do I need to progress further in either Kyrian campaign or Korthia campaign/rep to see more of the daily NPCs?
Yes, you need to complete the covenant campaign to access Chapter 4 of the Korthia campaign, which will unlock the extra daily once completed. Chapter 5 unlocks the Helsworn world quest in Desmotaeron.
As of today in drag flight season 4: i just grinded out the entire shadowlands on an alt specifically for kirian forsworn mail mog for my hunter. Over 70 reknown on kirian…completed PAST chapter 4 chains of dom…the kirian npcs rhat gove the dailies arent even there. Cannot begin to descirbe how disappointing this is after wasting five days of hame play to get a hunter alt to this point in shadowlands only to have no access to even get the mog. (Ive completed all of shadowlands previously on my main DK)
The dailies i see in korthia for three days now are only the relic quests- no gear/forsworn mog ones. And its only three dailies not five or whatever like everyone is saying their should be.
Im well beyond the proper pointnin the game to have these. My guess is blizz removed them all together and didnt tell us. Thanks for the massive waste of time.