Korrak's Revenge

Fun fact the scaling is absolute dogpoop, I get 1 tapped by 60s players cause I’m 53 with 19k health, what’s even the point of doing those ??


This is the prime bg they really should bring back templates for.

Just because the different in gear/stats between a level 10/20 and a 60 in endgame gear is ridiculous.

This is different than other pvp where it’s 1 level or 10 levels apart. This is up to 50 lol.


But like why the heck would I do this as a level 10 if I am to be literally killed on sight in 1 dot spell by any players ???

Now i’m in this BG doing absolutely nothing because I can’t waiting for it to be over so I can move on with my life without getting a damn 30 minutes Debuff


That’s why I said they need to bring back stat templates for this bg in particular.

It normalizes everyone’s stats.


I just have no idea why it’s even a question for them. I hate that everything they make nowadays is made after thinking for 3 seconds

The weird thing is back during BfA when i last played this it ~was~ fun for even lower levels. Like people were saying in this year’s rendition you die to one dot or splash damage. XP is worse than a normal eBG that is shorter. What’s the point of playing it as a lower level? Your time is better spent elsewhere unless i’m totally missing something.


On my level 49 I got one shot by level 60’s also. My level 49 had 15k health. Max level players had 75k-120k health.

Conclusion: The only reason they released this in this state is to satisfy gankers who wanted to one shot low levels.

Just tried to queue a level 35. I got put in queue, but dropped because I had no intention of going in there.


So basically using this for leveling alts is pointless, gg Blizz, batting a thousand like always. And the Dev team wonders why people say they hate fun.

Time to be blunt with all you incompetent Devs, SL is fing **** and boring after doing it for the past 2 years, and just when I thought you guys might actually do something right for once, you manage to f it up and continue to shove this frankly **** leveling experience down our throats. I truly wonder if you are all really this incompetent or if you actually detest the players so much. All your recent design choices between this and changes to open world gearing in DF really is making it hard for me to even consider buying that box of lies that you claim to have learned from SL but you have demonstrated that you have learned absolutely nothing.


This definitely isn’t like the old Korrak event for leveling alts. The exp is pretty terrible, and the scaling seems to be broken. You are pretty much cannon fodder as a lowbie in here, getting 1-2 shot by people. Kind of a bummer, it was fun last time.


Tried this on a level 40 … horrible XP, getting 1-2 shotted.


It’s because this current Dev team doesn’t give a **** about the players or anything that might be fun, all they care about is their vision and anything else is wrong.


Does anyone know is it intentional for winds of wisdom buff (50%) to not be active in Korracks? It definitely is not worth the time to do on the losing side. At 51 I only went from 108exp to 155exp for a long, long battle.

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This is really not fun. They throw us all in together and scale us to 60 but i die in 1 hit. Would rather not be thrown into a lv60 bracket. Plus no winds of wisdom, korrak’s is a complete waste of time if you’re not 60.


They want to say they are providing content for the event, but they don’t think we deserve it. They’re trying to teach the playerbase a lesson in humility.

Another example: Emeriss.

What a dumpster fire.

Come on Blizzard, we know you can do better, even if you do phone it in.


Are they going to fix the Ilvl on the Displaced Vendor ( marks of honor and timewarped badges) it’s still 162 not 272 ?


It would not surprise me at all if Korrak’s Revenge was supposed to be a fish-in-a-barrel slaughterfest to reward the people who maxed out their PvP gear and rankings, because that’s how the lead developers do, these days.

The previous developers were concerned with making the game fun for everyone however people had fun, the current ones want to have the game be an eternal monument to the top 1% with the rest of us just here to slog away at our grind+RNG chores to be subscription fodder.


Yeah, everyone in my group just ended up dropping instance. Korrak’s Revenge is impossible to play in its current state - if you’re going to scale lowbies to lvl 60, everyone’s armor needs to be scaled as well. As it normally is in unranked PvP content. I’m in iLvl 240 gear and was being killed in seconds.


Have no idea why I didn’t think before posting lol everything you said make sense, makes me wonder if the rework dg that comes out on the 15th will get its ilvl nerfed too since that is suppose to drop 278 gear

Took my lvl 27 hunter in there and I died fairly instantly at every interaction, haha. Something is definitely up with scaling.

Also, can anyone confirm that they’ve received the mount this year? I earned the achievement, but did not receive the mount. Would at least love some confirmation as to whether it’s a bug or if it’s intended that the mounts be unobtainable this year.

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