Korrak's Revenge

Nope. Its not there this time around.

Scroll down or update

They just did an update. You may need to close all Blizzard windows to update the game.

Korrak’s Revenge is now showing up for this level 56 alt I’m currently logged into but it says it’s for level 60s only

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That’s too bad. I’m still updating so I can’t look yet.

I was just able to queue a 49.

thnx for letting us know fam, u the best <3

Can only que for it on my 60. Either way Blizz has managed to make each year’s Korrak’s worse (Actually just bad imo. Other than the first one cause that was the most fun iv had in this game in years.)


Also another issue is that the gear from Time-Displaced Thanthaldis Snowgleam (and I imagine the Horde equivalent) hasn’t been updated even though I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be. SignsOfKelani on YouTube said it should be item level 272 (maybe he was just wrong, idk—it seems like a lot of people were expecting the item levels to be updated though, and right now they’re 164)

edit: Actually I can queue on my level 56 alt now (after logging out, updating, and logging back in)

Went to the vendor just now on a 49, 55, and 60 (horde side) The 49 see’s ilvl 58 gear, the 55 see’s ilvl 114, and the 60 see’s ilvl 164. Sorry took me a min to get all 3 down there lol.

Ilv still not showing 272.

So Blizzard said “Players can queue up from level 10 to level 60”, but when i log on my level 10 it’s written: level 20 required to join.

Has anyone had a UI glitch where when porting into Korraks your entire cast bars have all spells and mounts removed lol because I just did and it was rather annoying and nothing was wrong before I ported into Korraks

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thought with maintenance the AV gear vendor would be selling 272 ilvl catch up gear, was that a mistake on WoWHead?

that was probably the fun detected to need the fix lol.

prelude event is 250 (unless I missed an update). you ahve to earn you 1800 conquest for a 2 hander (or 2 1 handers) in regular pvp for the baseline stage 1 275 weapon.

so yeah…not seeing them give out 272.

I’d like to be wrong ofc. In this case I’d be happy to be wrong. it be fitting to fix gear on both retail and classic chars in the very same bg.

I got like 1/4th of a level on my level 33.

Why can we not have the massive exp boon for it we had in BFA?

The event ends before the expansion, so it wouldn’t harm anyone, just help in leveling alts, just like Winds of Wisdom.

Also, please for the love of everything, tune this. The guards are tuned for geared level 60s - that have over twice the health of a lower level. I got 2 shot by a tower guard. (You are more than welcome to check my logs if needed lmao. It happened multiple times) That definitely should not be happening.


I need to level up like 30 alts due to Love rocket grind doubt…We don’t know if there’s going to be a change and the only certain change is that a new expansion means a new minimum level :scream: I’d love some ways to level up faster like this BG during BFA

Yea, I still have ~20 alts to get from 50-60. I refuse to go through Shadowlands, and I’ll be too busy next week with the pre-event and Pokemon Violet to level them.

So having Korrak’s give good exp would be a nice way for us that are exhausted from SL to level from 50 to 60.


they don’t scale this or normalize.

we asked 16, we asked 17…make it like 15. that made all equal. only edge a 119 had over a 60 (presqush 60 that is…jsut starting wrath ot tbc bit) was the talents and casts unlocked. and the mobs were matched to that.

I ahve had many gripes for wow over the years. 15th KAV is not among them. this…was done damn near 100% perfect.

since I don’t buy the line of crap about well horde start to camp is closer. I do wrath AV. a lot. 3.3.5 AV, alliance has the start point and camp edge. and horde can still win there. I was 0/6 last night. Noob hill struck again…we could have been 500 yards closer and noob hill would have messed it up.

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I just tried on a level 10 alt of my own. Korrak’s Revenge was grayed out and says “Unlocks at level 60”. :neutral_face:

Edit: Just tried a different alt (level 46) and same result, but an acquaintance said they successfully queued as a level 50. I just don’t even…

We deserve better from a game almost 20 years old! You have consistently made the game worse and do nothing but implement more phasing and do nothing to address bugs. Small indie co. :roll_eyes::clown_face: