Korrak's Revenge PvP scaling

Seems like sub level 50s are only getting scaled up to ilvl 70, while level 50s aren’t being scaled down at all. Something needs to be done or else there’s really no point queueing for this below 50.


I noticed this too. This wasnt the case for the event last year because max level players got scaled down to 60. Any1 under level 50 is pretty much useless in here now and its making some games extremely one sided when your team has 20+ players under level 50 and the other team has heroic/mythic+ geared players.

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Yeah this sums it up. Trying to think what the best solution would be, maybe scale the 50s down to ilvl 70 as well?

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Not queue. Fake event designed to give bored raiders more opportunity to farm graveyards.


This is how much Blizzard even thinks about pvp in this game anymore.

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I can’t even get into a game , lol


Join as a group failed


It has been buggy since launched, Korraks without scaling isn’t Korraks.


I got this when I was standing in an elite World Quest area. There seems to be a new feature that places a Find Group option in the quest tracker while in the area. Even if you haven’t chosen to find or start a group, if that option is displayed your attempts to join the BG will result in “Join as a group failed.”

canceled my sub over this, between the scaling gone, ilvl issues, and now the timewalking scaling from korraks gone, its very clear the devs do read the forums and do everything they can to intentionally drive the full time pvp crowd away from the game.


Yeah, pretty annoying because it was great for leveling last year. Scale everyone to 70 ilvl and call it a day.


100% agree.
Part of the fun of this last year was that it felt fun to play whether you were a level 15 or a level 120.

Scaling low levels up to iLvl 70 and not scaling anyone above that gives a huge advantage to players with good gear.

Make Korraks fun by a) at least scaling everyone to the same ilvl - people still have trinkets and azerite to make themselves better and b) boost the xp.

This is coming from someone with decent gear.


Scaling definitely needs to be hot fixed back in. Also Korrak item vendor also.

Scaling/ templates = uninstall - aBoM 2020

nailed it brother

should be hotfixed back in for game modes like this only. Scaling outside that doesn’t belong in the game.

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Blizzard messed up something PvP related?

Color me surprised.

I really hope it was an oversight that they will hot fix in - it just seems like a mistake.

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It doesnt seem like there focus is on this event what so ever and its pretty sad that they couldn’t have taken the time to balance stuff out better and at least test the event properly before releasing it. Everything about this anniversary is a total failure when comparing to last years which is pretty sad considering its the same thing minus the chromie raid for mount.

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