Korrak's Revenge Gear/Level Scaling

I get the feeling that gear/level scaling isn’t working right in Korrak’s Revenge. Last time it scaled us all down to L60 and squished our ilvl to L60 stats. This time we’re all being scaled UP and our gear is not getting squished. I’ve heard that <L50 toons are getting their ilvl boosted to a measly 70 or something. It definitely doesn’t have the same fun factor as it did last time if I can’t use the old gear that I had saved up for it. Basically makes me have to use current gear instead of all that snazzy old stuff.


Yeah, this could really use a hotfix. No way it’s intended.

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it seems really unfair for lower level players, but maybe that’s how they wanted it to be. either way it sucks that I can’t use my legandaries like I did last time.

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I think it’s entirely intentional. People with fantastic gear are the designated winners. Everybody else is collateral damage.

Yup noticed this too.

Its almost as if Blizzard took all the best aspects of Korraks and threw them out to leave only the worst aspects.

This is why Classic+ could never happen.

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How are you guys even able to queue in for it … I can’t even do that . Tried all of yesterday and today .


I’m stuck in the same boat.

I really want to get the wolf, I was too busy last time KR was running.

Mine didnt work at all yesterday it kept saying group failed to join when I was trying to join solo? Lol

Honestly its 100% hit or miss.

Queued up on a ton of characters. Exp on, exp off, max level and low level. None worked.

My buddy on Stormrage Alliance was able to queue on his exp off level 39, and I was able to join it.

Some people are saying your server is the major factor. I’m still lost personally, because we tried requeuing on Stormrage and couldn’t after our first game.

Yeah, I hope they fix this because it was really great for leveling last year.

I agree - scale everyone to equal ilvl.


Wow just wow this whole 16th Anniversary has been a huge let down. I’m just so disappointed.