Korrak's Revenge Gear/Level Scaling

Last time Korrak’s Revenge was out we had our level scaled DOWN to L60 and the ilvl of our gear was squashed down to L60 values. This time we’re all scaled UP to L50 with NO change in ilvl. Is this working as intended? It sure doesn’t have that “vanilla” feel like it had last time. If I try using the old gear I had saved I’ll be asking for a whippin…except for Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker…I’m gonna use it in there no matter the scaling.


There’s no way it’s working as intended, or at least I hope that’s the case. Because while level 50s don’t scale down, sub level 50s get scaled to a pitiful ilvl 70. They have around less than half the stats of a geared 50. It’s akin to a fresh level 50 in questing greens fighting a mythic raider. If blizzard is going to continue to allow low levels to join, they need to do something about this terrible scaling / non-scaling.


It was so good last year, a real shame it isn’t now as well. Hopefully it’s hot fixed.


I still got half a level for a loss, it’s not that bad this year.

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The problem isn’t the xp, its the bad scaling for low levels and the non-scaling for max levels.

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I cant even queue for it /shrug


Same. Love it when blizz release broken stuff.

Try unchecking and rechecking all your role boxes for your specs and then try to queue back up. I THINK that worked for me and for others.

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Imagine how much you would have leveled if you won.

That’s why I leveled nearly all my Horde alts to max level (and none of my Alliance alts) in Korrak past.

Yes, I’m aware that winning gives more and while some of us try. It’s hard when teamed up with a bunch who either don’t care, don’t get how to work as a team, or are something else.

My gear was being scaled to 70 on my Alliance. Of course IL 70 may as well go AFK.

Is Korrak’s Revenge still broken with the queue?

Nobody on my server could get in yesterday.

All we got was “Failed to join as group” errors.

I honestly have not tried to join (thanks to the forums). I hear that the queue is broken and the xp isn’t worth it this time.

Yup, I stopped playing it asw. Would go back if they fixed the scaling.

You should be able to queue if you uncheck and then recheck your role buttons on the joining menu. That’s what let me and others get in.

Are you saying that you can actually get into Korrak’s Revenge?

Oh that sucks.

Would’ve been more inclusive if it used a stat template for everybody.

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Tried that. Didn’t work.

I can queue as Horde but not Alliance.

Which sucks because I wanted to finish my VE Priest off, she’s at 45 (old 110), but she cannot queue!

Guess I’ll get the mount with another character.