Korkron Shaman Set

Quick run down, there’s a transmog set that drops in Siege of Orgrimmar, only for Shamans. I just had some questions about it…

Has anyone looted it lately? Since Shadowlands came out? Is it still available? I just read a thread on here that said one chance a week, regardless of difficulty, but can I try it on multiple Shamans? Or is it one chance per account?

These questions may have been answered in that WoWhead link, but the info is old and I was just hoping for some recent info on it.

You can try for it on multiple Shamans. It can also appear on the Black Market AH and usually goes for a reasonable price since only one class can use it.

Right on, thanks. Guess I’ll farm it on my other Shaman too. :slight_smile:

Looted mine back in ~March? Yes definitely still drops. One chance per week per toon. It pops up on your screen when you receive it like most “hidden” items.


No drop so far, but I did see it on the BMAH. Unfortunately, it was at a 375k bid. I would imagine if it’s on there often enough for me to see it, the very first time I check for it, it probably has a super low chance to drop from the raid.

“I’m tired of farming for this, let’s check the BMAH. Oh, it’s here! 300k? No prob! I’ll buy some tokens! Nice, I got it! But now I need gold…time to buy some tokens!”

Just my view on it. It doesn’t say what the drop % is, but I imagine it’s insanely low, for there to be such a demand for it.

I believe it’s only one shot per week and difficulty doesn’t matter.

I got it on my first try awhile back, so I’m not exactly good to ask regarding drop rates.

Last I saw it was during progression. Our guilds 1 Shaman got it on our first Normal Kill back on launch week. It’s a cool set. I’ve tried for it inconsistently, maybe 4-5 times over the years and haven’t gotten it yet.

As far as I’m aware it’s still in-game and there’s no intention to ever remove it.

I looted it during prepatch, if memory serves. You can try on multiple shamans, just, one lockout per character.

My husband got his Korkron set for his shaman during 9.0 when he switched from druid to prep for 9.1 so it’s still dropping. Of course my shaman that I have been maining since 8.2 hasn’t seen it yet.

Good ol’ RNGesus only blesses those he comes across. :joy: