I wrote my heart out on the WRA Community Discords so this forum post is gonna be very basic.
I’m looking to get some more Kor’Kron Roleplayers back into active duty for RP Events, Kor’kron RP events, Generalized Kor’Kron/Grunt marching around in Orgrimmar, ect.
If anyone is interested please contact me here, ingame, or on either of the two WRA RP Discord Channels.
Please note: The age of Garrosh’s A-Hole Gestapo Kor’Kron is over and will NOT be tolerated by this specific group.
This group will follow this servers story events outcome from “The Kor’Kron Trials” in that all former Kor’Kron active during the Civil War were either Executed, fled and became criminal fugitives, swore Alligence to Vol’jin’s Horde and remained active or retired, or became “Oathbreakers” siding against Garrosh.
Free Kor’Kron RP Transmog Armor is available for those who complete basic training.
Kor’Kron Elite Plate Set
Kor’Kron Elite Mail Set
For DKs I also can link item set for “Undercity Kor’Kron” Armor.
Those looking to play as Orgrimmar Grunts can also contact me.
OLDER Style RP armor is available but most Grunts now use the set provided in game now " Orgrimmar Armor ".
If you want some more modern black-and-gold plate, there’s the Mythic Plate set from Castle Nathria in the Shadowlands, but you’ll need ranged healing for Prince Kael’thas to progress enough to get the full set.
There was also the Cataclysm PvP Set, but I do not believe that’s available anymore due to Blizzard’s absurd need to block people from content after the fact, but definitely interested in seeing more cosmetic armor bits coming in. Can’t wait to slap these bad bois on Gnorrosh and traumatize some more Orcs.
I dont think it really matters honestly. Most of these people now a days were not even here to know what the original KorKron Elite looked like…some never even saw old Orgrimmar.
I have my Elite set,
Undercity Kor’Kron Set,
Kor’Kron Raider Set ( Theramore Infiltration Event )
Grunt Classic
Grunt Recolor Blue (peerless)
Grunt Recolor Green ( i forget…Sentinal?)
and Champions PVP set of which I can only wear up to Blood Guard for Tmogging.
But I like my original Kor’Kron Elite set the most and if its not obvious, I rarely ever take it off.
I appreciate the options, Id even use those gloves if I could as a Monk.
But I’ll probably stay in this armor forever.
Trolls can be Kor’Kron! Tauren too! This isn’t Garrosh’s Kor’Kron!
Though Goblins Ill direct towards Quickfuse since I’d prefer to use them as Expen…uhh…trained Sappers.