Hello fellow members of the Mok’Nathal, Silvermoon, and my own home Terenas’ server cluster! My name is Kor and it is my humble dream to stand amongst the strongest Blacksmiths in the realm. However the path I wish to tread requires more strength than I alone posses.
I plan to become a master of tools, picks and axes, knives and daggers, needles, swords, and hammers. The path to mastering these tools requires repeated forging of such tools and weapons, which in turn require more rare materials than I can gather on my own.
So I simply ask that anyone who seeks the aid of a smith’s hand in forging a tool and doesn’t already have a trusted smith in their employ, remember me to fix the Kor of all your weapon and tools problems.
P.S. Personal Crafting Orders work cross-faction 
Hello everyone on Mok’Nathal and Silvermoon! I want to thank those that helped me on this journey as I have become a Draconic Blacksmith! My dream of becoming a renowned Weaponsmith is under way and every day I come closer to being able to forge the strongest weapons in the land. I write this partially as promotion to remind anyone still in search of a smith to seek me out to hone your tools and weapons, as well as to thank those that entrusted me with their materials and pushed me to the limit of Draconic Blacksmithing. Now I just need to hone my Weaponsmithing which will simply take time, as well as a few select crafts I haven’t had the privilege of making yet.
Thank you Daddysinz-silvermoon!
Thank you Lockedout-terenas!
Thank you Racingdead-skywall!
Thank you Sneakos-silvermoon!
Thank you Sneakysoul-hydraxis!
Thank you Snowshield-terenas!
Thank you to all those who I filled out public work orders for!
And a special thank you to fellow members of who helped me gather materials as well as explore all the Dragon Isles have to offer us!
Remember me to fix the Kor of all your weapon and tools problems 
- Koraddin-terenas, the Draconic Weaponsmith.
Hey let me know when your on want to see if you can make the primal dagger for me been looking for quite awahile but cant get anyone. thank again for a response
Hi! I just saw this sorry for a late response. I would be happy to craft it for you, I will say in advance though that I won’t be able to get it to quality 5 which is why I hadn’t reached out already 
i’m currently in my classic raid but as soon as im out I’ll send you a message in game if you are still online
Updating my skills for Mok’Nathal and Silvermoon, I have focused my specialty into daggers and fist weapons and can now craft them at the highest quality. In my quest for progress I can also now craft all other weapons at quality 4 if I can use the highest quality resources in the craft. I can also make all tools with middle quality at least, and some a little higher. If you’re searching for a smith, Remember me to fix the Kor of all your weapon and tools problems 
- Koraddin-terenas, the Draconic Weaponsmith.
Hello once again Mok’Nathal and Silvermoon! I am proud to announce I have gained mastery of Swords, Glaives, and sickles! If you have a Concentrated Primal Chaos, then I give you a 418 weapon 
If you’re searching for a smith, Remember me to fix the Kor of all your weapon and tools problems 
- Koraddin-terenas, the Draconic Weaponsmith.
Hello my Mok’Nathal and Silvermoon friends 
I am very glad to announce that today marks the day I have delved deep enough into my specialization to truly earn my title of Draconic Weaponsmith. I can now craft all weapons at maximum quality with ease.
I once again want to thank everyone that has helped me on this journey, and as always, remember me to fix the Kor of all your weapon and tools problems 
- Koraddin-terenas, the Draconic Weaponsmith.
P.S. I can craft all profession related tools at max quality as well, although I need to spend a bit more time working on my non-weapon adjacent tooling to claim to be a Toolsmith as well
My forge is open to all races and factions, if you’d like to reach out to me directly you can contact my bnet @Korstrack#1787 and discord @Korstrack#7752
Hello once again Mok’Nathal and Silvermoon friends!
Just in time for the Embers of Neltharion to ignite I am proud to announce that I have also finally mastered armor crafting to the point that I can proudly offer my skill to you. In the next challenge Azeroth faces please remember me if you are in need of an new or improved weapon or piece of plate armor! I will also be offering my enchanting services to anyone who would like a crest enchanted.
I once again want to thank everyone that has helped me on this journey, and as always, remember me to fix the Kor of all your Blacksmithing related problems 
- Koraddin-terenas, the Draconic Blacksmith