Known Bugs with Dancing Rune Weapon

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Have been seeing this is clearly broken also

Yeah it’s pretty bad. I’ll pop DRW on the adds on Freya and it doesn’t attack the add it just targets Freya (or any mod with a heal) and guns it to them so with travel time you don’t get half of the dmg and the dmg it does do (to the healing mob) just gets healed contributing nothing to the fight. That’s one of 5 bugs I know of off hand.

DRW is probably the single most bugged ability in the game currently.

Blizzard clearly either doesn’t care or is not capable of fixing this or most of the other bugs in this bug-ridden FrankenWoW. So many bugs that have been reported since beta and they maybe hotfix one little thing every few weeks. It’s a joke.

Alot of these bugs sounds like DRW is classified like a individual summon that has its own threat table and doesn’t scale with you like a shard of azzinoth flame, rather than a pet summon. Although I guess it does scale somewhat, so I don’t really know.

To change gargoyle from it’s original functionality and then say they’re leaving drw as is because that’s how it worked in vanilla wrath makes no sense. They’ve made so many changes to the game that didn’t exist in wrath but neglect an actual bug smh

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yeah it’s pretty crazy I bet if DRW was doing twice the dmg it should be doing they’d fix it in a day.

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Really frustrating that we’ve gotten zero attention from Blizzard on fixing a known bug.

The ability isn’t working per the tooltip.

Blood dk DPS (the highest DPS spec available for dks) is literally the only reason I play wow and still have a subscription, I liked my blood dk DPS and tree form and both were taken away in cata. Plz fix

Fix dancing rune weapon. Instead of nerfing / buffing classes fix the bugs with classes.

Let people play blood dk dps in the one expansion it was actually possible.

Could we at least get a response.from Blizzard on this? The combat log data shows the damage calculations are way off and not performing as perf the talent tooltip.

Also, having DRW default to a healing class makes it extremely useless in PVP.

Would this have been a ret paladin issue… Blizzard would have immediately posted.

Good news everyone! (Some) of these fixes are happening. DRW scaling is being fixed to correctly do 50% damage.

It’s not 50% damage trust me, and propably never will be because pets don’t inherit arp. However ability still have other problems on PTR that are not resolved.

At the moment they fixed (some of) the bugs but reduced the melee swing dmg so it went from being really buggy to just a terrible cd. The hoped for change is to get arm pen scaling with it so it gets better as we do which is how a cooldown should work.

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Pets never inherited arpen. Instead of asking for new things let’s focus on getting bugs fixed.

I hope they made it for phase 4