Just finished testing a few scenarios across Live and PTR for what “endgame” gathering looks like for the weekly and catchup KP tokens. For all of the scenarios the gatherers had:
- Blue Tool with Perception buff
- Blue Perception accessory
- 3-star Truesight potion
On retail the characters had most of the Perception nodes unlocked on their trees, while the character on PTR had their trees cheesed to max. The test period was the 30-minute buff for the Truesight potion.
Having casually done herb/ore mining on retail, these numbers feel pretty consistent:
- Herb: Weekly 6, plus 9 catchup
- Ore: Weekly 6, plus 7 catchup
And then the corresponding tests for Skinning:
- Retail: 3 of the Weeklies
- PTR: 5 of the Weeklies
So even with 44% Perception on PTR, I still couldn’t get all six Weeklies in 30 minutes. This feels busted if the Herb/Ore are getting KP drops, on average, every two minutes while a maxed out Skinner is getting one every six minutes.
Can we get another look at the drop rates for these, especially now that we’re past the “start” of the expansion?