Know Your Weapons: Macuahuitl

A rather grisly example of the ingenuity of civilizations with no access to iron.

Obsidian can be cut to be razor sharp with basic stone tools (much the same way flint can be), and when used the right way, it can’t be easily broken. However, it was ineffective against the Conquistadors primarily because of their steel breastplates and helmets. Their obsidian-edged weapons would shatter when used against steel armor, and plate armor is highly effective against blunt force weaponry, which protected them from the wide array of wood and stone clubs and maces used by native forces.


Actually, its pronunciation is pretty much how it’s spelled. “ma-kwa-HWEE-tul”.


Ah, the old horse-decapitator, I had no idea they were even in the game (would’ve been 10 times cooler if the edges actually looked obsidian), maybe I’ll get one someday on a Zand pally or something.

Edit: Random thought, but how cool would it be if you could see a human mounted on a horse, no flags, but you can run up and decapitate it. Then they’d need to resummon.

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I guess we have different definitions of the word cool.

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Another fun obsidian based fact - the sharpness of this volcanic glass can be so ludicrously extreme, some modern surgeons prefer it to surgical steel.


I usually make my clubs out of turkey… sometimes roast beef. Chicken will do as well. I prefer white bread with some lettuce and a nice quarter slice of pickle on the side.


In the middle ages, there was an entire class of pikes and ranseurs that were meant to be used against cavalry horses, not the riders.

They were the original “anti-tank” weapons.


What a treat. A Mortis post and a bit of interesting history.

Thank you.



Because it is Azeroth and they are trolls. Can call it a thwacker for all it matters.

I prefer whole wheat, and a whole pickle. But there’s no wrong answer to this question.

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Well yea but swords are still swords, shields are shields, and staves are staves

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My favorite void elf :open_mouth:

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