What do noobs and rogues have in common?
They both pick locks.
What do noobs and rogues have in common?
They both pick locks.
I met a goblin who was addicted to brake fluid
He says it’s okay because he can stop any time.
Old but funny:
Jesus: I can give you eternal Salvation!
Disciples: … Can we get Might or Kings instead?
Did you hear about the rogue that picked a swiftthistle with EVERY attempt. That guy was an herbin’ legend.
Why did the Troll cross the road?
To get to de Other Side.
I dislike Thunder Bluff, you can’t find a good burger anywhere.
What’s the best way to pick up hot Night Elf chicks?
With a broom and dustpan.
One of my favorite Khadgar lines: “Fel…Murlocs?!! is there no race the legion won’t corrupt!!!”
Why did the Felguard cross the road?
A: Because that’s a poultry task
Why do Rogues wear Leather Armor?
A: Because it’s made of hide
How many Paladins do you need to change a lightbulb?
A: Two. One to hold the ladder and another one to uphold the Light
What do you call a Blood Elf Hunter without a Legendary?
A: Leggoless
Why did the Troll cross the road?
A: To get to De Other Side
You meant Dadgar right?
ok that made me laugh
I’d offer you some but Blizzard would remove them a decade and a half later for being ‘dated and inappropriate’.
what did the annoyed paladin say to the overtalkative rogue compnion?
“Shh! I need to consecrate”
Pandaren dad somewhere talking to his kid…probably.
Pandaren Kid: I’m hungry
Pandaren dad: Hi Hungry, I’m dad.
Also me to my kids.
one of my favorites heh,
what do you call a gnome priest? a compact disc.