Knothide leather/leather scraps

I’ve been working on my skinning and I’m currently at ~320. I’ve been skinning the boars and ravagers in hellfire (Level 58-61). I keep getting a ton of scrap though. I would say scrap to level ratio is 5:1 and it is kind of annoying. I know skinning has always had scraps/leather but this seems a bit extreme.

Is this a skill level thing or a mob level thing? Will scraps go away when I reach a higher skill ~350? Or do I have to fight higher level mobs to get more consistent leather?


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unlike classic there is only 1 major form of leather, you will get lot of scraps up until you start skinning 63 mobs and up.

at level 65 and 375 skinning I rarely get scraps anymore.


Even skinning higher level mobs you will still get a good amount of scraps. Not sure what the cutoff is where you get only leather. Probably 68.

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Scraps are common place. As others have said, it’s to replace the variety of leather and higher level gaps in vanilla with more compacted leathers.

It’s not that bad, though. Five scraps (and you usually get 2-3 from high level mobs anyway) is one leather.

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I’m not a leather worker so it looks like I’ll be selling scraps on the AH.

Thanks for all the info!

My pocket thanks you! If I sold anything right now.

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