Knockback Diminishing Returns need an update

Knockback DRs were added back at the beginning of WoD and at the time all displacement abilities were added to it aside from Death Grip. With the addition of each new knockback or displacement its been a coinflip if it was added to the diminishing return table. Trying to play RBGs or even regular BGs can be a headache when you’re on a map like Eye of the Storm which was designed before a single displacement ability was added to the game. Mid in EOTS isn’t a teamfight anymore, even with the invisible wall, its just knock wars to see who can knock the other into the abyss faster.

Yesterday I played a game where the enemy team sent 5 players mid, 1 elemental shaman, 2 windwalkers, and 2 mistweavers. Between the 5 players they had 12 total displacement abilitys.

They were:
4 Mighty Ox Kicks (no DR)
4 Crackling Jade Lightnings (no DR)
1 Thunderstorm
1 Static field totem (no DR)
2 Haymakers (no DR)

The only knockback here that triggers and is effected by any type of DR is thunderstorm, the rest could be spammed and used at will. Needless to say trying to fight them in mid was a lost cause even as a DK with 2 death’s advance that make you immune to knockback.

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Fat pirate elemental shaman. Two static field displacements with totem reset, unleash shield, thunderstorm and haymaker. :stuck_out_tongue:

But, thank God they removed knockback from priests!

I got hit by this in twin peak, with ring of peace, I was levitating down the waterfall lol, I still believed up to this point that ALL knockback were affected by diminishing returns… I guess not?