<Knights unto no Tyrants> [OCE] [H/A] AOTC guild S2

G’day, mates! Welcome to K.u.n.Ts!!!

Are you tired of the endless debates about class meta? Fed up with the idea that every Priest must be Disc (as if that’s the only option)? Well, good news – we don’t care. At all. Seriously.

We’re an Oceanic-based guild that’s all about having fun, making friends, and enjoying the game however you like. Here’s what you won’t find here:

  • Class Meta? We don’t care if you’re playing the “best” spec or the “worst”. We won’t judge – *unless you’re a Warrior in full plate armour trying to heal, then we’ll talk.
  • Your Thoughts on the Meta? We’re very interested in your thoughts… only if they come with a side of humour. Otherwise, we’re more interested in the next dungeon run. All Priests Must Be Disc? Nah, mate. If you’re a Holy Priest or even a Shadow Priest – we’ll take you all. No need to conform to a ‘meta’ you don’t like.
  • No Evokers? Yep. We already have our one "approved " Evoker per guild. Sorry, mate – you’re just going to have to wait for the next expansion for your chance to join the squad.
  • Raid Times: 7:30 PM AEST every Wednesday and “maybe” Sunday night. We’re all about having a good time while clearing content, no stress, no pressure – just good vibes and a bit of banter.
  • Recruitment: All dps and 1 more healer (all M+ players are welcome)

So, if you’re an Oceanic player who values fun over spreadsheets, jokes over drama, and memes over meta – you’re exactly what we’re looking for. We’re here to make memories, not to win the World First race (unless you’re talking about winning at banter, in which case – we’re first in line). If you’re ready for good times and bad puns, join us!

Let’s raid, laugh, and leave the class meta for someone else.

Lou(Discord: illousive) GM
Grim(Bnet:GrimaWolf#1429) Vgm
Phala(Bnet:Phalafax#1356) the man, the myth, the Ahole

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< Lou, probably not a Tyrant


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bump for the bumping

Bump? BUMP!

bumping like a bumpa

bumping up the bumpy bump

Bump de bump!