< Knights of the Blackrose > Recruitment

< Knights of the Blackrose >

A little about us

Formed in the early days of Vanilla on the US Realm Skywall by two brothers Varix & Koukla with hopes of building a close-knit team to clear end game raid content in an efficient and timely manner.

Them hopes became a reality and the guild has stood the test of time spanning over all expansions and finding a new home on the OC Nagrand Server when it first opened with new and old KBR members following Varix and koukla’s leadership.

Now it’s time to expand once again into the origins of WoW (Classic!) and form up a new team with a lot of familiar names and hopefully adding new names to our roster.

Guild Loot Distribution
EPGP with Loot Council input/Guidance.

Guild Experience
Our GM (Varix), Raid Leader (Dregi) and Guild officers (Koukla & Shallox) have raided every expansion and every raid boss since Vanilla and bring a wealth of experience to our raid nights.

Raid Schedule
7:30 PM ST for raid Invites - Raids will last 2.5 to 3 hours per night.

Current Progression
9/10 MC
1/1 Ony

All melee & Range DPS considered
All Healers considered
Tanks Closed

We are looking for players that want to be a part of the Team and help build & maintain KBR’s Core raid team. We prefer players that can “Fit” in with all players of the guild and has a good attitude towards all aspects of raiding.

If you a new to raiding or not very experienced we would still love to hear from you. Prove to us you are willing to learn, and we will do our best to guide new players in the right direction. as KBR prides itself on “Assisting its members over Expecting performance”.

If you are interested please contact one of the officers in game.

Guild Master: Varix
Co GM: Koukla
Officer: Dregi
Officer: Shallox