Cannot Summon Knight-Captain Murky on alliance toon,
Legionnaire Murky Not showing as learned
But i DO have the Murloc Battlemasters Feat of Strength Achievement
Hes marked out like the Core Hound pup battle pet does if you link your authenticator then delink it and it strips him from you.
but he shouldnt be limited in any way
This is my 2nd time posting about this my Support tickets seem to go nowhere.
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Please read through the comments on the wowhead link:
Nothing in the wowhead article states what to do if you cant summon him because you are missing the horde version despite having the achievement for having both because you paid for the blizcon stream back in the day.
Just in case you didn’t read… both of these Pets were promotional pets via Blizcon… did you goto Blizcon and receive this pet upon your visit?
i purchased the virtual ticket and did recieve them. i have the associated achievment but one of the pets vanished from my journal over a year ago
The Armory seems to think you don’t know the pets, but you do have the Feat of Strength that says you should.
You may need to re-open your ticket and indicate you still have an issue. I don’t think there’s anyone in the forums that can do anything for you, other than offer ineffective words of encouragement.
I think only a GM can do anything, and even that may be too much to ask.
yea. i am trying it again.
The pets name is yellow in game like its collected but the portrait is grey like an uncollected.
Its why i referenced the corehound pet from two factor authentication. If you remove it the pet blacks out but the name stays colored. its the only time ive seen a pet become unsumonable.