Kiwi looking for New Zealand Time Zone raiding

Hey there!

I’m putting my feelers out there for a guild that raids New Zealand friendly raid times. This would be anywhere between 6pm-11pm NZDT. I’m currently Horde on Barthilas and would consider a faction/realm change if necessary.

I haven’t 100% decided what role I’d like to play, but I have experience with DPS and Healing and would be open to either, including realm transfer/faction change if it is necessary.

I’m a team player who really gets a kick out of a friendly and helpful community above all else, and would be happy to provide more information.


Hi. Anarchy inc have many players from NZ. We are a AOTC /M for vault and social guild. We love hanging in disc and chat.

Raid times are 7.30-9.30pm Server time (Australian time). During summer we switch to 7.45pm as we also have peeps from QLD. Feel free to message me _Zwirbel in discord.

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Hey Anvilgrim, a Collusion we raid 7.15pm-9.30pm, if you think this would fit into your time frame, feel free to send me a message on discord - .crabs

Thanks! Is that server time or NZDT?

Just a FYI in TWW pre-patch will allow cross realm guilds so you can stay on Barthilas and be in another guild on their server no need to waste money on a transfer JS

Hey mate, are you still looking, I note your post was a week ago. We are a NZ based guild raiding twice a week that fit into your NZDT time bracket. We are a horde based guild on Barthilas. Let me know if you are still on the hunt and we can connect to discuss further.

Can I get a guild invite? Ansii - Dalaran