Kiss all the Frogs event not spawning maiden

The memory in dragonblight to kiss frogs until maiden spawns is bugged. 20 mins have gone by with everyone kissing frogs, no maiden. Its the last memory needed to trigger the boss, gg.


Just submitted my bug report for this as well. ridiculous


Just happened again today.

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Just happened for us as well.

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Up vote. I have run into this issue 50% of the times I have attempted this part of the event.

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Happened again just now.

Please fix this awful event!

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Same here, intermittent fail.

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same here… a lot of frogs being kissed, and no maiden…

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It is still doing it, hot buttoned the kiss emote, kissed a good 200 frogs, no maiden spawned, but event phases out.


This event and the Rare Liver event in Searing Gorge, and the page collecting node in Searing Gorge are all prone to be a waste of time because the RNG is fundamentally broken. This is more than likely behaving as designed, like the corrupted blood effect from Remembered Hakkar easily spreading to the whole zone as people zip around like murder hobos.

“Respecting players’ time” indeed.