Still bugged 5/18/21.
This was the strat that finally worked for me after trying all the others suggesting including reloads, abandoning quest, and zoning/phasing out.
To summarize…
Condition: quest was already bugged, mobs would not stop despawning, and the quest would not reset.
1-kill existing mob
2-plant flag
3-run away from spawning mob
4-let mob start casting on flag
5-interrupt and kill asap
6-repeat at step 3 until boss spawns.
You’ll know you’re successful if flag is still up after ~65 seconds.
This worked for me. Let the mob start casting on flag. Aggro and then kill. Repeated until Chief spawned
6/20/2021. Still bugged, trying to do it on a new character, Horde side. Also filed in game bug report.
23.06.2021 - Alliance Side. Quest still bugged. I understand that Blizzard has been working on getting 9.1 ready, but this bug has been reported for -months- and has made no move to fix it. Really frustrating as WoW use to be about quality in -all- expansions, not just the ‘current’ ones.
Reporting in, here’s what worked for me after about 30 attempts.
- Plant flag
- Allow the mob to cast “Breaking Banner”.
- DON’T LEAVE THE HILL (I think this is what caused me to take forever).
- Kill mob before he finishes cast, let next mob begin cast.
I’m not sure if it makes a difference but I did these steps prior and the only difference I could find was I left the hill (into the grass to avoid aggroing the mob to allow it to begin its cast) and my flag would despawn and the chief would never come. If you’re like me, try staying close enough to the flag as to not “leave the hill” persay, but let the mobs still get close enough so you don’t aggro them and they begin casting. After about 5 mobs, the chief appeared for me then. GOODLUCK ALL.
Still broken. I’ve tried all the workarounds, to no avail. This happened to another toon months ago. I’ve sent an in-game bug report.
I didn’t think I’d have to do this, but this is ridiculous.
I’ve tried every conceivable way posted. I’ve abandoned the quest, left the zone, and tried again. Even before the timer lapses, the banner despawns, and even after it’s long gone and the mobs have successfully destroyed it, they start casting again afterwards in an infinite loop.
This is so frustrating I don’t even want to play.
This bug is still ongoing and should have been addressed by now. I did the quest by using freezing trap on the first enemy until the chief appeared.
Still bugged, tried doing this just now on an alt, king never spawns and the flag despawns inside of 30-60 seconds of being planted with the furbolgs constantly spawning.
This is still bugged. It has been almost a year. This is a major failure on Blizzard’s part.
Tried it again today on this toon just to see if a high level character could kill enough of the furbolgs to try and force the king to spawn. Just ended up with a mound of dead furbolgs and no king. Seriously blizzard, please fix this bug. It might be an old quest zone but this is just beyond absurd it’s remained like this for so long.
as an update, went back and tried again. kept having to use dartol’s rod to transform into a furbolg multiple times and the king finally spawned. the fact this bug has existed this long and apparently has different things people have to keep trying to do to get the quest to complete is just ridiculous.