Kindly fix the Mist Weavers Training quests

As of now, all of the Peak of Serenity - Continue your Training quests from level 40 onwards are impossible for Mist Weaver monks to complete as they all have a built in self heal mechanism which calls for an interrupt that Mist Weavers do not have.

Paralysis does not work as some are either immune, or they continue to spam the heals back to full health immediately once the paralysis is broken, since the spell school is not locked.

There is also no leave combat mechanism as they will chase you no matter how far you run; except if you die or jump into the city portals.

Please fix the quests so Mist Weavers do not have to jump specs every single time they do this daily quest.

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Agreed. Levelled this toon a week ago and was wondering the same thing.