Kinda wanna make a hunter on the horde

what race should i go with? highmountain tauren, orc, or vulpera?

…i’m also open to options other than those 3, but i’ll need some justification from ya if you suggest any.

oh! also, i know nobody asked, but i’m planning on having talbuks as my hunter-pets, cause i love talbuks.
mount-wise, i’m thinking of going with the windsteeds from pandaria. nobody really uses them (except me), and to me, they’re basically just flying talbuks. but that’s just my opinion.

edit: run into a bit of a… ‘bump’ with my plans. all the non-shadowmoon talbuks are all pretty high level… which is odd, i could’ve swore there were some talbuks in frostfire… i mean, i can deal, but man, does that suck. i’m gonna have to fly over to alliance-turf to get one. :confused:


I heard those goblins are pretty cool.


All great options, I’d say go orc, but if you have Zando unlocked, they’re an awesome choice


I would say Nightborne for 1% more magic damage as Marksman but Wailing Arrow and Serpent Sting are getting removed next patch, so…

Just go with Vulpera, they’re pretty neat, and you get extra bag space.


Doesn’t matter because you’re Horde.

One of us, one of us.


Z troll. They look the best.

There’s just something cool about seeing a lil fox pull out a gun and hunt way bigger things than them. ( Altho Vulpera seem more like crossbow fans to me. They’d probably love those kind where you can just grab the bolts and use them again. Since they’re so scavenge based )


#canconfirm /10char


Probably vulpera for the camp racial for farming rares.


Go Mag’har. +10% pet health, and +10% mount speed.

been horde since i started back in MoP. only been playing maining alliance since BfA… when they butchered the horde’s lore/feel… or more specific to my own feelings about the horde, when they changed orgrimmar’s tune. …hate the vulpera-music that’s been tacked onto it…

i like the vulpera, don’t get me wrong! but… their music… it ruins the boisterous feeling of the horde i loved, y’know?

Let’s see, almost all of my hunters have themes.
I have MH orc that only tames wolves and dog type pets
Undead that only tames diseased and skeletal pets
Belf that only tames weird or creepy like spiders etc
Z troll that only tames dinosaurs
And a vulpera that only tames foxes

Lots of alliance too, but not in your ask.

I’d say for talbuks and such, a tauren would be great, because the mounts get a little bigger when they mount them, so pretty cool.
Also just realized I never made a tauren hunter…hmmmmm

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The vulpera tune is only in one spot in Org tho so it’s not a big deal

not really? cause i keep hearing the boisterous theme getting funneled out by the weird… guitar (sitar?) vulpera theme hopping in and ruining the horde’s eager-for-battle drums ‘n’ trumpets.

yes, the little kazoo-flute theme is only in one spot, but other version is EVERYWHERE. :man_facepalming:

I recommend any race that isn’t a beast race.

Mail armour looks awful on most beast races.

I have one hunter of almost every single race, and from the ones you listed, I vote Vulpera, specially if you intend on using bows. Archer foxes are really cool imo.

If you intend on going survival, I vote orc first, and then highmountain tauren.

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I’ve an Undead Hunter that was my Legion main a good while ago.

He’s got that undead Devilsaur world boss from BfA as his pet.

i had one of those, but i deleted them after i realized that fox-pets are cunning-type… meaning their big shtick was that they gave a speed buff and were’nt really great at tanking for me. hmm…i could… probably bring them back, the more i think about it…

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Next patch, we can freely change pet specs again like we used to be able to do.


ahh… well, that’s handy i suppose… atleast, until blizzard feels like we’ve got too much freedom, and decide to take it away again. :man_shrugging:

i’d say something about them taking away MM hunter’s pet, but i don’t play MM hunter, and honestly, i’m okay with them going lone-wolf… feels like blizz is trying to turn the game into legion again with that move. i WILL say it does feel a little petty though.
but uh… i’ll stop with my 50/50-ness about that. :rofl:

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