Kilrogg Alliance Reconnections

well might as well, MKhaggis here, member a bunch of you Defias folk.

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I remember you being in La Familia. Hedan and Jayla are coming back also. Let me know if you want to play with us again. Think we are going pve agsin.

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Im trying to get several of us back together from Kilrogg. Let me know if youre interested. I think we are rolling pve again. Anyone from Kilrogg is welcome.


me? was in alot of guilds fear ward ftw

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What server is everyone thinking of rolling on? Maybe we should get a Kilrogg guild up and going.

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So far my group is thinking Atiesh but all depends on which servers the streamers swamp. Dathelth and maybe Brackus will be back.

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I remember Galaron was so proud of me when I got my Epic bow and staff from the quests lol, damn those quests were a challenge!

I havnt seen Braffern for quite some time, I think our GM was Animagi, our Druid main? Stunningstab was one of our main rogues, but Im struggling to remember anyone else :frowning:

Heaps of those guys ended up in Civilian for BC.

Stunningstab (until he rage quit because he didnt win a trinket)

well all us cool kids never really stopped talking to each other did we Myles :wink:

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Yeah man, kept it real for close to 15 years :slight_smile:

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Is that Brackus from La Familia? Jayla tried to reach out to him.

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Nesprox - Human Paladin
The first guild I joined when I started playing was Prepare to be Boarded. Looking for anyone that used to be in that guild, Elbeca, Purplesugar, Lysistrata, Verlassen, or anyone else. After PTBB I went to The Phoenix which is still around on Kilrogg today.

Nah Brackus from Vengeance, I talk to him a few times a week still.

Raided with The Reservoir Dogs until we splintered off when BC hit. Raided on a dwarf priest eventually named Purépriest. Actual main was a warlock named Eldef. I also played in BC a Boomkin named Boomboxxie. Made a ton of friends all the way through WoTLK, although all of the really worthwhile friends were here in Classic and BC. Really hoping to find at least a few people i spent soo much time with. Odyssus-Human Warrior, Kennysmage- Human Mage, Daylin- Human Paladin, and so many more. Cant remember all the guilds I raided with during BC funny enough, it seems like those were my most dedicated and productive raiding years and all i can remember are a few very close friends from that time period.


Nice to see some of these names again! Had some fun times, hope you all are well.
I played as Algae with IMB and then Tempest through most of AQ. Still chat with some of our old group. Oni, Beep, Luwingo, Bigjerm, Riftslayer.

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Join if you’d like. I’m hoping this will help the server I’m on with finding groups/trade and such.


Hey dice, I remember your name around the server as i do with most that are posting here. I was on Kilrogg since day 1 and raided and PVP’d alot. I have been unsuccessful in reaching ANYONE I used to play with, and I am now fearful I will be left on my own. This post is kinda prompting me to reach out to you in hopes I can make new friends with the old names I always saw running around. Its funny how “Kilrogg Pride” is a thing for me, and I very much wish to at least play the same server as all of you fine folks. As I always did back in the day I will be rolling priest heals, warlock dps, and probably rogue MDps. Wondering if you wouldnt mind taking in an old, lost Kilrogg raider?

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I remember having a Blast with you guys.

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Yeahhhh, my boy Kenerek! Hope you’ve been well. Hopefully see you in Classic, my dude.

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OMG It’s Foxy!! /wave
oh wait, we’re in Last Call together and I had no idea… I haven’t actually played Joral in months

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