Killing Time

Okay, what are you guys doing to kill time til the inevitable launch of Classic? Me? Building wargame terrain and painting miniatures (trying to get caught up on my backlog of stuff).


grit my teeth :grimacing:


Enjoying ESO. It has a nice crafting/housing system. It’s a great game to casual.

@Thundertotem I remember having fun with terrain in games like mechwarrior. Lots of fun. A fast mech can sometimes get out of the line of fire from big guns. What sorts of games do you run?

Mostly Historicals, WW2 in particular, I jump back and forth between Bolt Action and Flames of War, with a little Napoleonics on the side. I do play some SciFi stuff like FUBAR and Battletech.

Another game I enjoy playing is Gaslands. It’s Mad Max with Hot Wheels. Embrace your inner kid.

Sounds like fun. Thinking about this kind of thing makes me wish I was 19 again… but smarter than I was then hopefully. :slight_smile:

I started Wargaming when I was 12 with my dad and brother. It was before the advent of the cheap home computer. I’m 51, and still enjoying the hobby.

I stopped paying my sub about two months ago and let my time expire. I’m amazed how much of a time sink this game is. Without wow distracting me, I’m able to finish some projects and start new ones.


Just got back into League of Legends. That should keep me occupied for a few months. But, besides that, I’ll be transferring out of the military and starting college classes come June, so I imagine that will go the furthest in “distracting” me. lol

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Congratulations on starting classes, and thank you for your service.


I spend my free time plotting how I’m going to overthrow the world.

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Disc golf and TV series like The Orville I had saved up the 2nd season so I can binge it now.
Also some early gardening the spring is just starting here in Finland and almost all of the snow has melted.

Should be saying “moving south, because it snows here”

I agree but I am stuck here at least until my mother decides to keel over and die.
Then I am pretty much free to move anywhere since I don’t need to take care of anybody.

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I have to open up my RV and do some yard work the next two weeks. Garden needs prepped/planted mothers day weekend. Garage needs cleaned out/organized. My leisure activities have found me playing the Division 2 (ps4) recently. I might pick up days gone, might wait a bit too. When a release date is announced I’ll probably try and find a decent used computer.

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I play level 20 twinks to pass the time. But it’s pretty boring because you know…BFA.

I was doing 120 bg’s for a while but that’s even worse.

Dude, I turned 19 in Oct 98. I was in Hawaii on my first Army enlistment (joined at 17). If I could go back to 19, knowing what I know now, I would have bought 10 times as much Apple stock as I did, not married my first wife, and would have gotten in my reenlistment contract to stay in Hawaii… lol.

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Catching up on some backlog games, like Subnautica. Got our animals that needs attention and some gardening as well.

Ohh, also, title made me think of this one;

I’m not even slightly surprised.

World of Tanks / World of Warships for me

Just played through Soul Blazer for the SNES. Probably going to go through a bunch of PS1 RPGs that I never got around to playing/finishing.