Killing spree should extend the duration of stealth

now your just being extremely rude, im sorry but this is a public space. if people dont like your idea or dont understand your idea then they have all the right to say it. you are giving a idea but not explaining it at all, your not convincing anyone why or how killingspree extending stealth would be a benefit to the overal flow of the spec, the only thing you did tacked on was “make killing spree stationary” as if that brings legitimacy to your idea

your just being incredibly hostile and rude to anyone who asks you nicely for a simple elaboration of your idea. trying to hold this ego and air to yourself while hiding behind a lvl 10 eu alt.

there was a reason to want this in DF with nightstalker making you do more damage within subterfuge windows, but NS is gone in TWW so theres no point to want this, this isnt to my benefit or whatever you said in the last reply. this is just pure confusion with no benefit or downside. it just…there.

this entire thread just comes across as you being absolutely clueless on how outlaw functions as a spec

btw given you post and thread history,l i can see this isnt the first time you posted a absolutely pointless/dumb idea and get incredibly hostile when people asks for reasoning. infact review your post history, its very clear that you need some sort of help


Can I derail this thread by proposing the fact this isn’t a public space, we must adhere to a Code of Conduct and pay for active game time in order to participate? Not only does Blizzard have the right to revoke account access, but forum moderators have the right to revoke forum access too.

This was more-so a thought I had earlier at a comment like “This is a public place, and you shouldn’t post if you [don’t want to be condescendingly rejected].” There seem to be respectable limits on both ends, of pressing an unwelcome thread (here) and inciting negative or unwelcome responses via repeated “You ideas are bad” bumps.

Just something I keep thinking about…

that requires mods to actively mod this place, and given how this guy went off the bat rude after the first reply. its a solid to assumption they dont look at this place at all

again, people asked questions nicely at first and got rude response, theres no reason for anyone to continue to be nice if they got a rude response first


This is yet another case of people saying short sighted or blatantly wrong things and then getting angry at me when i point out that their points make no sense.

There is not a single reason to argue against this.

KS halting stealth for it’s channel would solve one of it’s major issues, which is that it’s not used during stealth windows. THIS IS A PROBLEM with the ability, regardless of what you may think.

Also, if it halts stealth there you’re still gonna be able to fit just as many ambushes, dispatches, between the eyes as if you just used only those, because guess what, you didn’t lose a single second of your stealth window because it was frozen, shocker i know, but i tend to think before i say stuff, unlike some people. The only opportunity cost is combo points, but guess what, KS already does more damage than other finishers, they could add ks to ace up your sleeve i guess, but aside that, that’s pretty much it.

So again, this is one of those cases where people say dumb things, i call them out on it, and instead of thinking a little more about what they said, they just get pissed off that i pointed out the lack of logical thinking.

And that’s why i said that i will not reply to any more poorly thought out ideas.

Now please, think a little more, instead of complaining about me pointing out that your reply made no sense.

I should’ve trusted my gut and not read any of that. You’re not just shooting yourself in the foot, but blowing the thing clean off, whether you’re right or not.