Killing a world boss locks you out of loot for that reset

I’m not sure if this is intentional but it doesn’t seem like it accomplishes anything. No specifics, but guilds are now killing world bosses and getting next to nothing, or giving items to sub optimal people, because almost everyone there is locked out of loot since they have killed it multiple times that week.

I assume the goal was to disincentivize killing world bosses on every layer, except now there is an argument to keep doing it not to get loot but to deny others loot and I’d argue that’s even more toxic.

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Lmao my only response to this news is good, that’s what you get for being nerds who join coalition discords and camp the timers with summoner alts and scouts. “Suboptimal people” bro grow up.


It’s not a coalition, its a single guild and it really isn’t hard. I’m not condoning anything, it’s just that this doesn’t seem to be doing any good.

If they are already doing something to combat it. And thus, obviously tracking it. Just make it basically auto kill you, like the hunter demons. But not reset, so you can’t use it to harass or help other people.

Or maybe it’s to promote I dunno “people to stand up once every 4 hours?” The amount of time people play classic is so unhealthy and you are complaining you can’t sit and play more.

This obsession with loot on classic is insanity. So you can what get a pink parse, sit in org flexing your no life? Like I genuinely don’t get it. Play 8 hours a day so you can raid for 1 hour and rage if it take 1.5 hours.


World boss loot is garbage anyways, and the pieces that are good aren’t worth the headache

It is intentional. Blizzard did this on purpose.

No farming world bosses on every layer.

Sorry :person_shrugging:

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Visit a doctor asap, if you do that.

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if i had to guess its intended to prevent layering abuse and loot denial has always been a tactic. just took the form of intentionally causing another raid to wipe in older incarnations of the game.

Yet we have nothing but constant collusion with multiple guilds on Horde and Ally working together. These players should be banned immediately.

Looking at you WD, Threatcapped & SQUAWK.


It has been broken thanks to the hardcore realm fixed that spilled over into era

This would be true if they weren’t farming world bosses on every layer for a different purpose.

Wait, you mean to say Blizzard implemented a fix for a problem and it was completely insufficient? That’s nuts! I’ve never heard of that before.

They should of just made them instanced.


Why wouldn’t it work this way?

“except now there is an argument to keep doing it not to get loot but to deny others loot…” this is simply not true. You do not fully understand the current mechanics in place, by your comment of “locked out of loot”.

To be fair, if your IRL life was as bad as most of WD, you’d probably get some catharsis out of building your identity around mildly inconveniencing others too.

well they had to do something lol did you think they were gonna let you kill 10 kazzaks every time he spawns :expressionless:

be happy they let the world bosses still exist, rather than turn them into instance bosses like in SoD.

Just replying to confirm that yes, when a player kills a world boss, they become ineligible for loot from the same world boss again until the weekly reset, regardless of whether they received loot for that kill.

Players can still assist in killing that world bosses again, but will not be eligible for any loot from those kills.

This rule prevents layer hopping to get a chance at loot from the same world boss multiple times each week and applies to all Era, Anniversary, and Hardcore realms.


First time playing classic? World bosses have ALWAYS been weekly resets, regardless of their respawn timer. Guilds kill world bosses multiple times for a few reasons:

  1. Their first kill of the week using some alts so loot goes to “main” raiders.
  2. Second kill goes to additional mains that weren’t present for the first kill.
  3. Rinse and repeat.
  4. Keep other guilds from getting world boss loot.