Killed every boss this week. Didn't get a bullion

I can’t be THAT unlucky, right?

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Well, it’s RNG so you can be that unlucky. BUT it’s season long cap of 12 with a catch up mechanic. Odds are good you get two next week.


I do believe had it not dropped by boss 3 in LFR, I would have uninstalled the game. I F@#$ing hate raiding in any capacity.


I do think that there should have been at least one alternate (and guaranteed) way to earn a bullion that was outside of raiding.


i only do mythic+ and pvp, neither of which can give bullion.

thanks, blizz.

(not really)


But you can afk in lfr and get one. Pretty easy…

imagine the out cry if they made pver’s have to pvp for gear to compete like we do.

oh the horror.


I have, without exception, recieved a bullion on every character who did 3 bosses of lfr.
you need to submit a ticket, not a thread lol.


So have I, but there are those who haven’t gotten a single one. I doubt that’s a bug and is instead RNG by design.

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That already happened.

MoP there was an outcry


This is for cooking? I’ve heard about this thing but i don’t know what its for.

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Are you serious? I thought it was a sure thing?

They basically have at multiple points because PVP gear and/or borrowed power was better for specific classes then PVE gear.

Christ, back in Wrath my prot warrior wore the high warlord’s shieldwall all the way to Northrend before I finally found something that could replace it.

I am indeed serious. It is not a sure thing, but the drop rate appears to be relatively high.


That’s absurd. I will be indignant and a Karen…WTF Blizzard? Something so basic should just be a 100% drop rate.
So far, every character of mine, who has done some basic lfr or m+ has gotten a bullion.

I advocate for a 100% droprate for Bronze Bullion.

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Oh yeah, I’m not thrilled by this either, trust me. :sweat_smile: At the very least there should have been some bad luck protection to guarantee a drop after 3 wings of LFR.


Luckily for you LFR isn’t raiding.

Thank goodness!

Pveers threw a fit season 1 shadowlands because the highest ilvl weapon you could get first week was from pvp.
Granted it required a rating of 2100 and was out of reach of supermajority of non pvpers, that did not stop them from complaining.

You should have seen the outcry from them when they had to win a random battleground in mop. There were people claiming to quit the game even. Good riddance to players like that.