The WoD intro quest “Kill Your Hundred” is bugged in that the cave collapse cutscene no longer plays, resulting in your character being locked in place for a few minutes until the rocks blocking the cave entrance phase in.
Also on this quest, the name card for the intro cutscene for Kargath never shows, and similarly, Gul’dan’s name card in an earlier quest also doesn’t show.
I just experienced the same issue on this quest.
Experiencing this issue right now.
Here to say that I am also getting this bug. Logging out and back in seemed to do the trick for me. It felt really weird to not be able to move my character.
I encountered this bug too. I was able to correct the problem by typing /reload ui
After the reload, the broken scripted event allowed me to move and interact with the NPC quest giver.
Still bugged. Tried waited a couple of minutes and nothing happened so i tried the unstuck feature…
Please dont make the mistake of using the unstuck feature. You will be hearthed and have to fly all the way back to the dark portal. None of the Teleports or ashran portal will get you back. Once you walk back in, your at the start but after running around a bit, khadgar will teleport you back to him.
What I did was to exit the game right there for a bit and re-log back in and I was able to move on.
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Yeah, bugged for me as well.
I just closed the client, opened it back up, and everything was fine. Just an FYI for anyone who comes to this thread looking for help.
Still an issue. On my druid I TP’d to Moonglade and back and it loaded correctly, Monk I had to log out/back in
I waited for like 3 minutes and got freed.
This quest is still bugged.
Just a me too. Quest is bugged as described above. Relog is effective workaorund.
Yep, still happens. I tried a reload of the UI and it didn’t fix it then I reloaded a second time and it was fixed. Not sure if I just waited long enough or the reload helped.