Kill Shield of Vengeance in Dragonflight

:face_with_monocle: In game and all forums this is a polarizing issue. How many times have you used SoV as a Defensive? The greater majority use it for damage. If it is not used as a defensive, then it is not a defensive ability.

Replace Shield of Vengeance

:face_with_monocle: The exploding shield concept was fun. However, the damage greatly overshadows the absorbs usefulness. It absorbs unmitigated damage then its gone. Leaving you exposed to 100% of all incoming damage.

:thinking: Replace it with what :thinking:

  • Remove the absorb, leave the damage.
  • Add real Damage Reductions back to Ret Paladins.
  • Replace SoV with a choice between a Divine Protection with 20%DR and a 40% magic only DR.
  • Make Eye for an Eye more accessible.
  • Anything . . .

I do to a degree. Instead of doing the classic BoS/SoV combo on the tank I generally work out peroids of high raid damage to proc it from consistently to benefit for both if I can (like the tank soak on Jailer).

But overall it does have more negative implications than positive ones in my opinion, both when it comes to PvP and it’s use primarily to deal damage.

Honestly the whole Paladin/Ret design in DF needs be redone in my opinion, but bringing back DP as a short duration defensive off the GCD with a magic DR option would be a great start.

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Considering they neutered the damage of SoV in PVP, I agree that they should just scrap it, alongside Justicar’s Vengeance. They couldn’t even at least leave it alone in PVP.

Considering how Ret aura is going to be a DPS increase in DF, I’d say they should make Devotion Aura for Ret give a good % damage reduction instead of just 3%.


I Think the same way with one exception. Keep Justicars Vengeance for one reason only. Word of Glory with Healing Hands are powerful survival talents that impact DPS negatively. That lost damage negates the SoV damage. If its improved Justicars Vengeance could be an excellent survival tool for DPS.

Thid could be fixed by making selfless healer actually good. Healing hands taxing our holy power directly and SH being more passive. Still I wish they buffed it because in no way they compete now or in DF

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They could fuse Shield of Vengeance with Eye for an Eye, and remix it a bit.

Have it reduce incoming physical and magical damage by 45%, while returning the damage as either 45% physical damage (for physical attacks), or 45% Holy damage (for magic attacks). When it ends, have it empower your next Exorcism or Justiciar’s Vengeance.

Finally, give it a percent chance for Art of War to reset its cooldown (this part may need to be a separate talent).

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Reduced the CD and remove the damage(from pve at least) and bam problem solved.

Oh and off the GCD and usable while stunned.

its just a shield then, they need to add a % reduction component to count as a defensive.


We’ve heard your feedback and SoV is now being removed from the paladin toolkit.

Yeah, awesome! Now, what are we getting in its place?

Did I stutter?



I honestly think we should keep SoV and Divine Protection should be put in the shared tree. All paladin specs used to have it and it should be given back.

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Well it can still have damage in pvp

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They nerfed the damage it does in PVP so now it’s pathetic. They don’t want it to blow people up when they don’t respect the SoV? That doesn’t make any sense considering that’s the entire point of the mechanic, but ok, in that case, make SoV buff our damage in a % proportional to the damage dealt to the SoV then.

As for PVE implications, you can’t have any mechanic involving damage not be ruined by PVE min maxing so I don’t know, make it not increase your damage in PVE whatsoever or something.

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i have no interest it what anything does in pvp other to think some things dont work as well if you are not in pvp… which is plainly wrong

now they have screwed up the talent points again where is shield of vengeance it seems to have disappeared as a talent and its use for defence was a great asset

Why PvErs should not be allowed to make decisions


Humm this type of necroing seems to be against the spirit of the code of conduct.

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