Kill Baine

I can smell Chaos. That means he’s around somewhere.

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He was, but I meant more as in “this Alliance character is dangerous we gotta stop them”

Tauren are responsible for alot of bad things in the horde unironically.



They played a big part in getting the Forsaken into the horde.

I’d say you got me there but the forsaken are fine, Sylvanas is not

RAS isnt particulary the best of people.

Well no we gotta have some bad people for flavor…I wish the Alliance had something like that

We have Chaos at home. You can kill it there.


Well that’s sort of the issue, it’s not applied fairly or evenly. Vol’jin, per one of the stories, smells absolutely terrible. So do we infer that all trolls smell terrible, or just their leader had terrible hygiene?

How is giving a horn piece different than a blood oath, for instance? Make a cut, clasp hands, blood mingles. Very common fantasy trope.

It just feels biased and selective to me. All the weird stuff characters do, all the strange customs and rituals applied, and that is what people are going to harp on?

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Eh, I dunno what else to say about it. :man_shrugging: But I might be the wrong person to discuss this subject after all; I didn’t like the thing about Vol’jin stinking, and blood oath stuff always gave me the heebie jeebies too.

Trolls regenerate lost limbs, but I’d still be creeped out to hear about one handing over their toes as a gift, for example.

I mean Voljin stinking was a great plot point about why Garrosh wanted the trolls eradicated because they smell too bad for orgrimmar and they had to shower so often that the river nearby got dry.

Chaos said my shirt looks weird. His opinion means a lot to me.


If Chaos told you to jump off a cliff would you do it? Hmmm?

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Well Chaos is his boss/wife/husband, so ofc he would!

First, Baine did not “Cut” a piece of his horn off. It broke off.
Second, Apparently it didn’t seam to be much of a sacrifice because he see him with his horns intact afterwards, so apparently Tuaren Horns regrow like Deer antlers.
Third, Knowing that it’ll regrow, it was a small token between two young men, boys even.
(And we all know young boys have done way more for a lot less)

Voljin stinking and covered in flies was only for alliance, and crosses the boundaries in unreliable narratives. They’ve made physically manifest alliance prejudices against the horde to the extent that they might not be able to discern reality from their actual perception of it. Gen may have actually said the words he said at Dazaralor but the alliance collectively double thinks it into something more idealistically appropriate for them.

It’s also worth noting that someone “stinking” is also subjective. I’m sure humans smell just as bad to Trolls. As distasteful as the narrative was in portrayal, it was actually pretty accurate as far as setting a scene goes between two vastly different cultures.

It’s also fair to state that the Horde’s version was also equally biased and filtered, where the truth was somewhere inbetween.

I can’t ****ing stand Chaos, he pisses me off.

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The truth is actually just the Alliance version, because the player is physically present when it happens in real-time.

The Horde version is a second hand retelling of the event by someone who wasn’t present, hence the error and embellishments.