Dungeon - Ara-kara, City of Echoes:
- Ki’katal, the harvester (Last Boss): This boss is the most dificulty of all dungeons season 1 war within. He is super overtuned. Too much damage and too much mechanics. Cosmic singularity abilitie should be deleted or create 5 fixed points on the map where the 5 players would stay to avoid being swallowed by the boss. It can’t be the way it is with adds moving randomly and quickly to any corner. The poison debuff does a lot of damage and the visual effects where the waves go are hard to see. Should delete poison debuff or only 1 player get debuff.
Is that why Ara-Kara is one of the top keys being timed?
The boss really isn’t that bad if people have a simple concept of where puddles are. Timers work wonders. My group simply calls out ability cast order as it’s happening. “Webs into Suck” or “Poison into Suck”.
It really does just boil down to a skill issue for that boss. Very niche scenarios in PuGs will there be communication issues but even then, the boss just isn’t that bad.
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This one isn’t too bad. Just get more reps and practice
I don’t like how hectic the boss is, especially on evoker due to everyone always outranging. It could use some tweaks, but overall it’s okay imo.
The only change I would make would be for the puddles to be fixed/static. I have quite a few deaths on this boss (as melee) where there just weren’t any available puddles to run to (I realize this is my fault for assuming the ranged would make enough for everybody), or I have a puddle in mind and somebody else beats me to it with a leap/blink or whatever.
Beyond that the fight is pretty straight forward.
AraKara is one of those dungeons that is really easy for good groups but surprising hard for pugs. Played my alt last week and multiple groups disbanded after wiping several times on the first boss, had another run that completed but wiped 5-6 times on the final boss.
The dungeon isn’t “easy”, it’s just short and the timer is generous for how few mobs you need to kill.
Last boss and to a lesser degree the first boss require coordination which is the bane of pugs but otherwise its very lenient.
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The mechanics do not change from a +2… (Or maybe 3) whenever webs start one shotting.
Several other dungeons have much harder bosses IMO.
Mechanically? I think this is the hardest out of m+ dungeons active now.
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That’s the easiest mechanic in the fight. You just casually one-shot the little adds that walk onto the platform.
What heals her in this fight?
Usually the easiest is what causes the most problems. The overlaps do not help and also sometimes people don’t realize certain abilities can clip the blood so they die lol.
The affix being failed. The debuffs need to be healed off / dispelled.
I think she needs to two changes given that the rest of the bosses are pretty straightforwand and he’s exponentially less forgiving and it’s kinda pissing ppl off.
The poisons should only be on 1-2 people at a time. Putting them on everyone makes the fight visually seizure inducing. .
increase the number of adds in the first two phases so there are more chances for blood. In the first two phases before CS, it just seems like they’re all “clumped” on one side.
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There’s a lot of them, they just walk in from the two side staircases and immediately leave once hit. Ranged kinda int tanks by hitting them as soon as they enter their range, gotta let them wander in first.
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After doing this fight a few more times I can say confidently that the difficulty is extremely comp dependent. If your dps are 2 ranged and one melee then its cake. If your comp is 2 melee and one ranged then the fight is nuts.
Three people all trying to be in melee range with the poisons is too much. A dispel at the wrong time will likely kill the 2 other people near you. There just isn’t room. With only 2 people up there its pretty easy to line them up.
With 2 ranged its also simple to snipe the adds and position near a pool and make sure there are a few for the tank and single melee. With 1 ranged and 2 melee this becomes much more taxing-particularly if that ranged relies heavily on hard casts.
i have to agree this dungeon is the worst of all of them. the reason its beign timed the most in higher keys is for that reason the hardcores always go for the hardest dungeons first and foremost bragging rights