Kicked from Protocol after almost clearing whole dungeon get 30 min timer

So I was doing protocols and got into throne and decided to skip the 3rd boss, group didnt agree and kicked me, my issue is why do i get punished with a 30 min deserter dbuff when I didn’t leave the group kicked me.

You get the penalty on being kicked because otherwise people would grief groups to be kicked to avoid the penalty.


And the penalty for leaving used to fall off after killing a boss, but the TWW pre-season 1 overreaction by blizzard also got applied to classic.


Well, you cleared half in a dungeon type that rewards a full clear and just decided for everyone to skip a boss so they kicked you because you didnt do the other boss.

Where is the issue exactly?


lesser evil.

The 30 minute debuff is so you can’t go right back into another dungeon and try to either force another group to do what you want, or make them kick you with no penalty. System is working as intended

Why the hell would you skip bosses in TPs anyway? The whole reason you’re there is to get fragments which drop off every boss and give you an additional 3 for killing all of them. You’re trolling everyone including yourself by skipping bosses


if the only thing you are after is Valor, which skipping in a Twilight dungeon implies, then just run regular heroics.


A full firelands clear gives 800 valor (i think) and 10 prople can full clear the place on normal mode in the same time it takes to do two twilight procotols. Assuming the OP isnt saved.

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skipping any boss in there griefs other people wanting fragments. If you skip a boss you don’t get the 3 bonus fragments at the end. Next time don’t be selfish.


If someone puts in effort to clear 90% of the dungeon, there’s no reason they should be unable to play the game due to a toxic group.

only toxic person here is the tank who decided for himself that no one else matters.

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Is that whats going on?

I’ve queued up for regular heroics on accident a few times and kill the first boss and leave and still have the timer.

In og cata you would just be left with the normal 15 minute timer, but that would be ticking down in the dungeon.

This may surprise you, but when you queue solo for a dungeon you’re choosing to engage in GROUP CONTENT as a TEAM.

1 person deciding their opinion is more important than the teams makes them the toxic player.

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