Sure. The OP and everyone in the group could’ve done so. For all we know, they did do so. That doesn’t change that nothing actionable occurred.
Thing is I’ve seen and myself agreed to countless votes being just " idk " or stuff like this. It’s so easy to kick someone and replace them that if the person your team tries to kick is 49% annoying and 51% fine (assuming people start at 50/50) it’s enough to kick them and replace them.
Kicking is too easy, the punishment is too high, and premade can literally rule the world kicking everyone if they wish to. It’s unfair, it’s not a good system and it needs to be addressed whatever people could be saying.
Yes, back in Wrath or Cata people were just asking to be kicked out of dungeons that they didn’t like because kicking didn’t give a debuff, but that can also be addressed either by increasing the rewards in known-to-be-annoying dungeons or making it a banable offense
What about giving players 1 daily kick and that’s it ? That would make people way more tolerant as for them to kick other players they need to evaluate if whatever that player is doing is worth their daily kick. Personally I don’t see kicks often, and this would also not affect actual end-game content.
Worse case, reduce the timer. Make it an increasing timer when you get kicked so if you get kicked very often it’s probably because of your own doings, then you start with a 2 minutes timer and goes up to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and if you reach this in a week then getting investigated idk
Same goes for kicks, if you kick too often it’s probably because you’re abusing it
No thanks, 2 people shouldn’t be able to infinitely troll a group.
So it’s better to troll for the first 6 times for the shorter timer? No.
There is already a cooldown on kicks too. You just can’t see it.
If you don’t kick very often, you won’t experience this cd either.
Then the first entering dungeon kick cd and the dc grace period before kicking…
As I stated before, it’s poor game design. By backloading the content for an expansion, the leveling experience was rendered a chore. Do you enjoy speedrunning TW dungeons? I sure don’t. It’s a brainless, repetitive hurdle to have to clear to start playing the “real game.”
IMO, TW shouldn’t exist. But the leveling experience needs to actually be interesting, or there need to be multiple ways to achieve max level easily like FF14 has.
You’d kick immediately instead of at least asking “plz skip” first?
Majority of the tanks I’ve said this to kick me instead. Better to strike first
I’ll tell you a jerk move.
LONNNGGGG dungeon, bear tank…who decides he has no clue that kitty form is for…you know…MOVING…lmao.
This clown not only refused to swap to kitty to move faster…but he was literally running around this huge dungeon farming nodes…lmao…going WAY off the beaten path.
At first I thought…I think we all thought…that he knew some short cut or something.
So we follow him literally away from the next boss.
Dude farms an ore node…ok…we’re on our way…somewhere…not a big deal.
Nope…we werent going anywhere…this joker was farming every node in the dungeon and very obviously just trolling us. lol
One of the few times I hit “YES” and meant it with every fiber of my being, lmao
All dungeon bosses should be required to get any rewards.
No see if this is the first time it has happened to OP they have now learned a lesson, if it’s not the first time good luck to them being kicked in the future. Any WoW veteran knows that players just want A>Z and skip the other 24 steps in between, especially levelling, heroic or TW dungeons.
What OP did ‘wrong’ is not ask the group what they want to do, I do it when I know there are quests people want or specific bosses people are after for certain items. And I’ll keep saying it, the only times I get kicked is when something goes wrong, my fault or not, I’ve never been kicked for doing quests or doing a skip run as long as I communicate my intentions and get group agreement on what to do.
It absolutely should be reportable and actionable.
I hate hate hate people rushing, taking short cuts, skipping bosses… All without saying a word.
So if you need something too bad. You might get kicked for asking. If you don’t know the shortcuts because it’s your first time, too bad. No one is going to offer info and no one is going to mind kicking you out if you commit the horrible crime of making them fight a few extra mobs.
No attention span and no patience, and no ability to communicate. This is most pickup groups. Maybe not what Blizzard intended when they dumbed down and homogenized the game but it was 100 percent a profitable…I mean predictable outcome.
It’s really bad if it’s to the point they don’t mind booting the tank or healer. Heh.
Democracy at its finest. Maybe listen to your group next time? Or ask them if they want to full clear. It’s not “your time” being wasted only.
When you have a community that is empowered to be offended.
Don’t be surprised when the smallest of things offends them, and they vote to kick.
This is why peoppe are even afraid to talk in groups. Fun times.
I resemble some of that post!
As a not awesome tank, I try not to make those insane pulls, but rather walk backwards fighting from one pack to the next so we keep moving and killing at a semi-decent pace.
So you wanted one thing and the 4 others wanted another and so they kicked you. Sounds fair to me.
thank god you are not a judge
Here is the problem with the game. This person.
If “the group” wanted to do a speed run, THEY should be the one to speak up. Or THEY should make their own premade speed run group. It should not be implied that speed running is the default.
OP is ok the right, the default should be doing the quests and dungeon.
its not quite the ordeal if they stay in bear form on shorter runs or if its one thats packed to the gills with trash every 10 feet.
But those wide open runs where it a LOT of space between fights, its just teeth grinding to be on beastmaster and be able to move so fast knowing this tank could swap to kitty mode just to clear the distances faster, lol
But dragging us around to mine nodes? lmao…thats too much even for me.
Sorry but the majority won’t cater to you just because you wanna do something. It’s kinda selfish and stubborn to do stuff away from the overall vote of the group. Run with friends or ppl that share the same goal.
My favorite part is wheb other people saying the tank should ask if people theh wana play game as intenddd instead of burning through it in 30 seconds