Kicked and blocked after 2*ing a M4

i got kicked from one because apparently their guildie came on and they wanted to do it with him instead lol. but they were decent and whispered me why they kicked. granted it was stormrage or some normal server

Anyone can make a route, but ultimately, itā€™s the tank executing the route.

eh. no. blaming one role for wipes is not a good look. everyone can make mistakes or has bad play, role doesnā€™t matter.


your job is so much more than holding aggro.
holding aggro

itā€™s FAR more than just ā€œholding aggroā€.

dps and healers who ā€œjust follow the tankā€ are not playing well. EVERYONE needs to know the route, so they know how to plan cooldowns for maximum use, they know whatā€™s coming up, they know what mobs are priority for kills, interrupts/stuns, etc.

thereā€™s far more that goes into m+ than ā€œjust follow the tankā€ if you want to be a good player.


Not really.

This is your run on IO. You had a 186, 192, and 207 DPS. And you took nearly half an hour to finish by your own admission due to your own fault. Why would you expect them to be polite when you were screwing up what should have been a blisteringly fast run?

You wiped? I meanā€¦ what exactly are you expecting from people here? You made mistakes and it seems like you arenā€™t really owning them and youā€™re surprised then that you just got the boot?

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You are probably right, you seem to know your subject quite well, but it exacerbĆ¢tes one of the problem.

It is really simpler to play a DPS, and tanks donā€™t get anything more at the end of the dungeons.

So, there will always be a shortage of tanks, why would I want to submit myself to criticism, insults and kick, while I can be a DPS, press three buttons, not even interrupt when itā€™s my turn and get high five from everyone at the end of the dungeonā€¦

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Go gold or go home. What an entitled, elitist, pile of garbage that makes M+ such an awful place to be nowadays.


The advantage of being a tank is that for low to mid level keys there is an insanely high demand for tanks.

The tank is also the bus driver so to speak and that feels much better than having to sit in the back of the bus and hope the bus driver isnā€™t an idiot (which most are).

Nah. Just know what you need to do and it will be fine. Nobody is expecting MDI strats but literally having no idea about % and wasting, by OPā€™s own admission, five minutes going back from the last boss room to find mobs to fill %ā€¦ thatā€™s obnoxious as heck. Thereā€™s almost no analogy to any other role that fits because nothing else screws over the entire in the same way.

Signing up to be a tank is signing up to be the bus driver. At least superficially look at the map before you get behind the driverā€™s seat dude.

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Youā€™ll run into that. Just doing heroic dungeons Iā€™ll have someone rage at me telling me to interrupt casts and stop being a failure. I then proceed to link overall interrupts done for the instance at that point and Iā€™m triple, if not quadruple what every other dps has done with the only comparable one being the tankā€¦ and funny enough his buddy the rogue from the same server has kicked twice the whole time. Take it with a grain of salt and consider them doing that a blessing.


couple things

  1. donā€™t tank for pugs
  2. tank with friends

your tanking experience will be 800x better!

but one reason to tank is you get into more groups.


Not tankā€™s job to have high damage output. On top of that, Bears do have the lowest damage out of all tanks. Not our fault. Blizzardā€™s.

@OP, donā€™t even worry about them.
Game is full of unfriendly people. For some reason, everyone always assumes it is solely tanks job to route, not to die, not to lose aggro, assign target priorities, CC, interrupt, kite, while other 4 brainlessly follow you.

As other comments stated, addon called MDT, tied with Raider/io, you can find routes there. But you will get better the more you run it. I donā€™t use all routes posted online, as some of them are just flat out painful. You will get better just like everyone else is. Donā€™t worry.

To those who ruin your experience, brush them off. Expansion is already tank unfriendly. There is already lack of tanks. Shut them off, and leave. You will get into another group in mere minutes, whilst their key will be ruined and they will spend 10-20m looking for another tank.

Tanks and healers deserve respect for putting up with yall. People take us for granted w/o realizing all the stress, while all they have to do is just move from AoE and press 4-5 buttons for dps rotation, disregarding Threat/Omen at all.


Eh. Itā€™s not altruism. In fact, it is cringe in my opinion when people thank me for tanking. I tank because I like it and enjoy the perks. This is a video game not a war zone.

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This is such a entitled post I think you deserve a reward.

ā€œyou better play at level 10 in a low key meant for learning or play a different gameā€

Its a +4 key that a new tank is learning. Mistakes were bound to be made and saying he has to be perfect is sillly. Get off your high horse.

edit- cant wait for raiderio comments


I concur,

Seeing people from Tich, Area52, or Malā€™ganis in my group always has me ready for some sort of negative experience.


Sure, mistakes happen. But thatā€™s not really an excuse. Mistakes happenā€¦ and then you own your mistakes and internalize them and try to prevent them from happening again. You sure as hell donā€™t say ā€œWhy are people mad I screwed up?ā€ Other people are allowed to be mad at you for making mistakes and you arenā€™t allowed to question them being mad because youā€™re the one who goofed up.

Iā€™ll say this - barring some extreme outbursts of emotion (which didnā€™t happen, they just booted OP), you should be your own biggest critic most of the time. The fact that this isnā€™t the case is what OP should be more concerned about, not that other people werenā€™t happy that he screwed up. And not even aggressively unhappy, they just cut out the problem.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more absurd this thread is. OP is mad that other people kicked him out of the group for making a bunch of mistakes? They didnā€™t belittle him or antagonize him, they simply got rid of him and that was it? And OP is mad? What is going on in OPā€™s head?

At no point did the OP refuse to own up to his mistakes, he not not blaming DPS/heals about it. OP was just confused on why he was kicked at the end of the dungeon as he might of thought it was due to the way he tanked. Though most likely he was just kicked due to the run being over.

A simple 1 wipe or just having to fill % at the end is nothing crazy for a low key when people are low ilvl/learning

idk where you are getting this idea, he is just confused.

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Method isnt even the standard anymore

Heā€™s certainly playing the blame game here -

As if missed kicks matter as much as wiping due to chain-pulling on bolster week or spending several additional minutes having to route all the way back because you skipped huge chunks of forces.

Someone else could have optimized their gameplay, so your mistakes are absolvedā€¦ thatā€™s not how it works. Not all gameplay errors have equal gravity. Simple fact of the matter is tanks generally have less margin for error, as well as something like bad routing not being a minor error but a substantial, grave error.

OP isnā€™t even playing Pride yet and heā€™s already playing the blame game, it seems absurd to me. This thread shouldnā€™t even exist. OP should acknowledge what he did was wrong and that kicking him was entirely appropriate and learn from it. Thatā€™s all that needs to happen here.

Problem is, even if it is the tanks job to plan and execute a route, where were these amazing players when he was clearly missing mobs for percentage? Did not one of them think to say ā€œHey mister tank, we need to clear this or that pack before we get to the boss.ā€ As Annastasi pointed out above, itā€™s everybodyā€™s job to know the route for cooldown useage, knowing when to interrupt, etc. So if the OP was so bad, why didnā€™t these other players offer any help throughout the run? Iā€™d be just as confused as the OP if Iā€™d been kicked and then blocked.


Had something similar happen to me in a 14 NW last week. Weā€™re on the last boss, i get sent down (Dark Exile), do my thing get back up straight as he was using Comet Storm so i died instantly going up. Boss was at about 20% health anyway. We kill it, we time it and the (of course its a DH player) DH Tank kick me a fraction of second after the kill (i guess he thought that would prevent me from looting).

When he see it didnā€™t work he start spamming me with insults in whispers.

Likeā€¦ how fried are some people? Lmao. We timed it, sure i screwed up at the very end, my death was avoidable by looking at timers before taking the angel, my bad for not doing so but the negative impact on the overall run was close to 0.

Most frustrating part is that earlier in the fight the Mage did the EXACT same thing but didnā€™t die because cauterize, so nobody didnā€™t say jack ofc.

People are just fried, idk.

100% explained.


Sounds like you got the better end of that deal. What a bunch of jerks.

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