Kick from Dungeon group for boosting

That’s what I figured but right now it’s gatekeeping central since Blizzard is being stubborn about RDF. People are being turned down left and right for lots of weird reasons.

It should normalize in a month or so hopefully. Or maybe Blizzard will actually bother to put some solutions in (if only)


It actually is a whole big popular thing right now to hate boosted characters and kick them, so I would most certainly hide that fact. Wait until the cultural moment passes, few will even notice the barely relevant power difference.

I honestly believe people are doing it on purpose because the majority are for RDF and they’re being stubborn.

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The majority doesnt get on forums so we have no way to judge what the majority wants.

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They have this weird complex that every person with a boosted character is just bad. I don’t think it has much to do with rdf but I’ve been wrong before. I will admit that it is possible that some newbs might be running around with it. Still not a reason to kick immediately, at least wait to see performance first.

Every poll i look at = RDF favor
Every forum I read = RDF Favor
Literally anything I have looked at in regards to either is in favor of.

I don’t know it seems like RDF is super popular

I AM AGAINST RDF by the way. More world pvp for me :D:D:D:D:D


I don’t believe this. We were told we didn’t need RDF because nobody would gatekeep these easy dungeons. Are you saying that was wrong?

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Well they were definitely wrong.

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Polls also said a certain president wasnt going to be a president.

once again forums are mostly for the people who like to complain the most. Currently its fill with que waiters as well.

If RDF was super popular. Then why didnt it save wow from declining subs after wrath? You didnt have to worry about the change of the world when you can just que in random capitals?

If you still have the chat logs, send in a ticket to blizzard. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior that needs to be reported


You must be on some really dodgy server.

I am on eranikus where all xfers are going to atm from grob and faerlina.

A lot of that voting fraud stuff was proven to be real so I dunno. I’m not for RDF by the way but I am smart enough to do my own research and clearly see the majority wants it.

I wear that tabard all the time and never get kicked, I do have 16k hp unbuffed on my tank though

I’m talking about the other presidential race where the poll favorite lost.

Polls really mean nothing.

And research means jack. People go out and find the answers they want.

Sorry that happened to you. If you can, you should report Blizzard. I know their moderation sucks, but what you experienced was so ridiculously toxic that it should bring up their attention.

Is this a troll?

There isn’t even a booster tabard and I highly doubt anyone cares about gear for these dungeons considering prot warriors can just solo the place


You guys realize these are normal dungeons right? It’s not an esports competition, just let people in greens in…

Save the min/maxing for heroic+.

That’s awesome news. Boosted P2W company supported cheaters should be shunned.

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I’ve been on p servers for 5 years. I know how to play the class I’ve been on for that time

A good portion of the people playing in 2022 just crack me up. The idiocracy has fully materialized.

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