Khira fixed the bug. Nothing to see here

It doesn’t matter stuff that’s wrong I pay no mind I look at as meh.

Cannot sell me on it. It’s worthless in my eyes.

That’s just silly. Like arguing a thermometer is horrid, inaccurate, and pointless because you can just feel the temperature and that’s all anyone needs.



Thermo is slightly inaccurate. Logs is far worse.

As well gives a means to take ppls information. Either your are the person taking it, made the addon/site, or the person having information taken from you. It’s whatever

Just like calendar is inaccurate as well.

By very little logs is by far the worst.

Okay now I feel like I’m talking to some paranoid recluse… that information doesn’t belong to you. That info is Blizzard’s and they give anyone the ability to begin logging combat and create a text file of every event that occurs.

There is no BigWoWLog lobby out there supporting BigRaiding to put anyone down.

This is just… phew. I thought the OP Mage was uniquely weird about logging but you’re on an entirely new level.


It’s any easy solution. Especially when you consider it’s plate wearers who die to it. I wouldn’t scoff at the idea of doing more than the bare minimum.

I’m not sure how you are mistaken, given that I just gave you the link to the data as well as an explanation of the context I was on and that those logs are erroneous due to something, and speculated what that something might could possibly be with the highest degree of confidence that I can.

This usually happens when I am trying to be helpful in an area where a lot of folks have very strong opinions, and very stubborn minds. It seems like you have already “made up your mind” about logs being inaccurate and you want confirmation bias.

But I will spell it out for you, as well as anyone who happens upon this writing to demonstrate how accurate the logs are.

First, I found the issue. I’m assuming since Zampp (the person that was logging) was under Mind Control for so long, the logs registered you as an “Enemy” See:

Now, let’s begin.

The timestamps that are important are the ones I have scrutinized (start and end in the url query parameters). I dragged in a bit of where the parsed logs identified a “Magmadar Normal Kill” encounter just to be safe. But for the sake of clarity, only up until 00:00:46.198 is relevent under Lucifron Normal Kill (0:46)

Impending Doom was dispelled 55 times. (Ctrl+F search for Impending Doom)
Dominate Mind was dispelled 10 times.
Lucifron's Curse was dispelled 39 times.

Onto the Casts tab:
Remove Lesser Curse was cast 40 times. (Mage)
Remove Curse was cast once. (Druid)
Cleanse was casted 42 times. (Paladin)
Dispel Magic was casted 26 times. (Priest)

At 00:00:08.541 the raid is afflicted by Impending Doom. Impending Doom lands 38 times. 35 are of those targets are players.

So what gives?

1 - 00:00:08.236 Lucifron Impending Doom Tippe Resist
Tippe resisted. Lucky bastard.
2 - Zampp is MC’d. His Dominate Mind wasn’t dispelled before Impending Doom casted. He was a “friendly” target to Lucifron at that time, so Luci treated him like a pal and skipped him.
3 - Deathjam was out of range. If anyone was afk, it was him.
4 - Lildeeps is in AV or something. That’s definitely not how you get MC purps.
5 - Tellar is also afk doing god knows what. He comes running in when the Hunter in your video streaming pans his camera towards his left.

So there you have 5 players missing the debuff, out of a 40 man raid. But the debuff lands 38 times.

Well, something actually interesting happens that really shows how precise logs are. Take a look at your video again. Wait until Himars comes into the view. He’s the hunter eating the savory deviate snacks lookin like a ninja. He runs in at the precise moment to be in range when Impending Doom lands. The interesting part is he tells his Owl to dash at the same time, but the Owl is literally a whisker out of range.

The other 3 targets that are afflicted are pets. Those would be Zhaanam (Isummon), Beastmode (Dapington), and Wolf (Thase).

The next Impending Doom happens at 00:00:31.642. This time everyone except Lildeeps is afflicted. He’s missing. 43 targets are afflicted. 39 players and 4 pets. Spot on.

38 + 43 = 81 total Impending Dooms.
20 were unfortunately, not dispelled in time. 20 targets felt the Doom. (search “Impending Doom” in tab Damage Taken).

*Edit: Forgot to add the pets that did not get dispelled in time

6 pets also felt the doom. Zhaanam x2, Beastmode x2, Wolf x2

26 Impending dooms reached full duration and dealt damage.

81 - 26 = 55 -> That means 55 were either:
All dispelled.
Target died before debuff completed duration.

The totals:
55 were dispelled. 42 by the pink ranger pally class. 11 by priests. And 2… by a felhunter warlock pet lol.

This checks out exactly.

Out of 42 Cleanse casts, 42 debuffs were removed.

Out of 26 Dispel Magic casts, 25 buffs/debuffs were dispelled. (Yay batching)

So that leaves Lucifron’s Curse.

40 casts of Remove Lesser Curse occurred by the mages
1 cast of Remove Curse by the druid.

Total - 41 decurses.

Out of 41 decurses cast, 39 actually did what they were suppose to.

It just so happens that 39 curses landed on the raid at 00:00:17.060

The 38th of these curses was dispelled by you at 00:00:33.260 on Wolf. Total gamer move, dispelling a pet. I respect that. However, you and the rest of the raid forgot about ole Zhaanam, the Felhunter. He kept his curse until the very end. Was it ever dispelled? We may never know, because as I stated before, the logs are incomplete. Legend has it the poor feller is still cursed. Thoughts and prayers.

The 39th decurse occurred a fraction of a second before the fight ended which you can see in the Hunter’s stream is at 00:00:46.198 on the logs on Tellar the warrior clearly visible in the vod you posted.

So no. You do not have video evidence that warcraft logs is not trustworthy. Once again, you have video evidence of an erroneous log that was the result of an incomplete, fragmented data set.

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I hope all your effort wasn’t in vain. Damn good write-up.



I think you owe me an apology.

I really should have read this post before I analyzed any deeper.

Keep up the good work :+1:

On the point of potential innaccuracies in Wowlogs, what is stopping anyone doctoring the log file before uploading it?

People like me.

I can’t beleive how many people actually think using resto pots is worth it, comparative to mages doing less dps to dispell… This occurs in multiple fights too so by the end of the run your guild has wasted 300-500g on resto pots… GG. Stop wasting money on stuff for a 3min faster MC clear and stockpile things for future raids when you’ll actually NEED them!

Spoken like a true blue parser!

Ok whatever you say.

Don’t have time to explain nor do I care too. You either see or you don’t.

I don’t think it’s anything major it just happens. Usually it’s streamers or ppl from method or top guilds. Gives them more content to put out to the mass for $$. Not big deal. Then they will state blah broken talent build or blah most op weapon without truly knowing. Just basing it off others information or old information.

How I know it happened to my bro in legion they seen him in ToS Top parsing 1. They armory him took his talent, build, gear info, and whatever else. Then used it and put it out.

I don’t. Between the parse-splitting and your frequent inactivity, the log produced data that treated you at the start of the encounter as a hostile entity. WCL didn’t inaccurately miss a single buff, debuff, resist, spell cast, or any other action by you.

I had mused it was possibly you not being put into combat and that flag being the reason it didn’t sort you, because of your own inactivity. That it was the Friendly/Hostile flag, again because of your own inactivity, doesn’t really change that.

Warcraft Logs are entirely trustworthy and remain so.

Yeah, look, I get this all may be too nebulous and black-box-ish for you, but parsing isn’t the sole means by which specs, rotations, gear preferences, and so forth are measured. Logs and performance are used to confirm and test theorycrafting, and to reveal unexpected behavior beyond what tool tips tell us, but ultimately that stuff is all tested on a spreadsheet long before anything else.

Ooookay? There’s nothing wrong with looking at an outlier and picking apart the data. It is how Bearcatting in Cataclysm went from novelty to potentially insanely strong to obscenely broken.

No one is entitled to their unique play, gear, spec, or anything else. You’re playing a game with a TREMENDOUS amount of publicly available info, even without a single log.

After a WCL admin comes in here and confirms I found a bug and it’s not reporting correctly, and after all the slander and accusations by Fasciae,

he still won’t apologize.

Let everyone see the quality of person you are.


They are and hope armory never comes.

Told my bro he makes sure he never does it again. He destroys the data on some on purpose. You only find out in BGs or inspecting him. I am sure going to find away to block that as well.

Do your own theory crafting stop using others.

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A consistently honest one. Due to an early MC on the solo logger, who was splicing logs, and your late activity on a fight, the encounter began with you listed from the logger’s perspective as a hostile entity. WCL didn’t fail to read the log, you just weren’t sorted into the friendlies. The log you posted still showed every thing you did, all four measly completed Frostbolt casts and all.

Now the WCL will ensure what flags you as a participant preempts the combat hostile/friendly flag. But WCL was always tracking your log.

This, from your original post, is flatly incorrect.

That you play exceptionally poorly as a Mage? That’s objectively true. Why would I apologize for calling out you spamming Detect Magic? Or just not casting or doing anything at all for 5-10 seconds at a time?

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HAHAHA oh my goodness… this isn’t your game, or your data, or your character. You aren’t entitled to ANY OF THIS.

And I find this hilariously amusing that the reason you think WCL is inaccurate is because your “bro” had his number one winning strategy broadcast so because he is paranoid about being sniped in the future, he supposedly vandalizes his own logs…

And top it off, you play like Pharmakos does: half-AFK. No one is going to rip off your sick strategies and fantastic play style when you deal less damage than an AFK autoattacking Holy Paladin.

Sure I afk if you believe that :slight_smile:

Haha that’s why I can join any of the raids in my guild because I am so terrible.

Seems like you know nothing.

With certain weapon, certain build, and certain gear a Paladin could actually put out 400 dps off auto attacks actually. I said enough though.

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