Human Jethorace Rouge- old guild name Alliance Last Stand (ALS)
My dad was a Night Elf Rouge Malorien
Night Elf Warrior called Astika.
Sounds familiar : ) Nice to see ya! Nice to see you are still playing. Did you try classic yet?
Not really, yet. I might end up giving it a shot later tonight. Pagle, I think. Glad to see my memory still functions a little. Been killing myself trying to remember old guild names too.
Hey Hags. I’m Hammerly-Paladin Shadow Command was my first toon & guild. I spent a lot of time on Shredds-Rogue and Descension-Warlock in later guilds. I think you and I were in Requiem with APOC. I know i did a bit of raiding with you but I started being inn an out around. But I played with Lothander, Zorgo, Douchey, Zex, Marlise, Amani in SC when i was pretty Noob. Later on it was all the APOC’s, lol. and so many others. I’m about to drop into Classic right now. I’ll be looking for a Guild so holler back.
Formerly Dexi of Bear and Blackwing.
Recently ive been playing an orc hunter on Turalyon named Shep. Not online too often these days but its probably the most reliable place to find me.
<3 to Dex If you end up rolling around in classic there are a number of us on Remulos.
I remember getting auto-recommended Khaz’goroth the day it was created. Oceania didn’t have a separate tab yet so I didn’t realize for quite a while!
Firestrider - Human Warlock in Unknown
Mosswalker - NE Druid
Bönk - Human Warrior
Plus a million alts!
I recognize so many names in here, it’s so weird. Unknown guildies hit me up! I just started Classic a week ago. I’m Mahegan, Myrddn and Bönk on Mankrik. Hit me up here or in-game!
You used to hang out in the hunter channel in chat and on Vent. Good times!
I used to be on this char, in Heaven was the GM, and Leogh was the RL. That dude was probably one of the most into WoW ppl I’ve ever met.
KG was such an awesome server. I remember levelling up with Funshine from Bear!
-Minizra (aka Mini) / Night Elf / Druid
-Transferee was the guild.
-Same name in Classic, on Remulos server…say hi!
-Minizra (aka Mini) / Night Elf / Druid
-Transferee was the guild.
-Same name in Classic, on Remulos server…say hi!
Changed to original toon…
Evanaras, NE Hunter.
I made a friend, who was also a NE hunter that went by the name of Petster. We made the death walk together so he can level with his Dad and Uncle who were both human Paladins. I always had an issue where i made a toon and deleted it at lvl 14, but playing with these three, got me to enjoy the game. Got my toon all the way to 55 before i had to sell my pc for food money as I became homeless because my father kicked me out. Wish I re-connect with these guys. I wonder if they still play…
wow that a name i havent heard in years but still remember the antics of enigmanova well
tigereyez- warloc
played in a few guilds after trasnferring loc and hunter to khaz, looking to reconect with any players that remember me
I used to play a warrior tank called Quickblades with , (later Masque) and
Looking to reunite with people from Vanilla.
I remember a few names:
Edrams, warrior tank
Mia, Hunter
Aim, Hunter
Klymax, Paladin
Buwlz, Paladin
Minizra, Druid
Ledzeppy, Mage
LeiLuna, Priest
Medikrush, priest
Fantac, Druid
Bushtukerman, Hunter
Ninja, warrior (Nexus>
Quickblades, warrior tank still around (just not playing, the community is not what it used to be). Used to co tank with Edrams. GM was Aim and Mia
I played a Druid called Bearnaked was in Time for BWL, left before AQ.
Played with Perky and Jerky, in a guild on Arugal with Jerky.
i remember you also
i was Chronicon holy priest in grumpy old farts, served, eternity and time, currently playing classic on remulos server