Khaz/Dath/Aman <Pixels> Casual raiding guild looking to build heroic team!

OCE - Khaz’goroth, Dath’Remar, Aman’Thul

<Pixels> is eager to welcome new members to our roster! In just a month since being founded we have built a friendly and active community, with keys running everyday. We have managed to gear and teach new and returning players and are super close to gaining AOTC (8/9H with 10% wipe on Fyrakk).

We are looking for more players to join us in heroic raiding, low and high keys, and even those who just want company running old content to collect mounts, pets, and transmogs. Come join the fun as we head into season 4!

For more info, shoot me a message or add me on BNet: Xylunara#1333 or Discord: Xylunara