Khaz Algar Flight Master Achievement Bugged

Can Confirm - Sitting at Opportunity Point, the FP is ‘learned’ & Khaz Algar Flight Master is not completing.


+1 to Durgaz Cabin flight path not unlocking


Same issue, it’s Opportunity Point for me.

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Freywold Village and Opportunity Point for me. This is ridiculous.

Same. I have one that won’t ding. Shadowvein point. I’ve brought 4 alts there and it just wont’ register. Now they are posting on twitter to get the achievement! lol. so weak.

Having the same issue with Rambleshire. Tried multiple alts.

I’m showing that I’m still missing the Shadownvein Point flight path yet I’ve flown to and from it.
How does this work… Blizz will fix if enough people complain about having this issue… like a vehicle recall?

I think the bug is getting worse, because I’m not getting credit for 3/4 of the Isle of Dorn FP’s + Shadowvein Point and Opportunity Point, so that’s 5 FPs uncredited :frowning:

The following was the response I received on this issue from customer support:

"Hey there,

It is our understanding that you are trying to complete the achievement “Khaz Algar Flight Master” but you are not able to get achievement credit for one or more of the flight points needed for this achievement.

This is a known issue and the developers are working on fixing this as soon as possible. We’re very sorry that you have been impacted by this issue and would like to assure you it’s being investigated.

At this time there are no known workarounds and Customer Services will not be able to grant you credit for any missing flight points or achievement credit or associated rewards, with apologies. It will however help the developers if you could please write a bug report about your experience of this issue, which helps them understand how many players have this issue.

To write a bug report, you need to use the ingame “Submit Feedback or Bug Report” feature in the Support menu. It looks like a GM ticket window but anything you write there is read by the developers and will help them in trying to figure out why this is happening to you and others.

We would like to thank you for your understanding and wish you a good weekend ahead"


Also happening to me with Opportunity Point, guess we’ll just have to all submit bug reports and hope they fix it soon, would really like that 25% increased flight speed :confused:

Also bugged for me, Freywold Village is my only point still “locked” despite being discovered.

Same and Game masters told me to report it on the forums. Durgaz Cabin: Isle of Dorn shows discovered for me but missing in the Achievement section. I cannot finish this achievement and it’s so frustrating.

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I am also having this issue with Durgaz Cabin: Isle of Dorn. I have tried using multiple characters to go to this point to “discover” it even though I can fly to it.

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Bugged for me: Opportunity Point, Rambleshire, Mmral - all visited and unlocked but not registering.

Mine is bugged for me as well with Shadowvein Point, Ringing Deeps the i am missing

4 points bugged for me as well

The achievement cannot be completed. 1 point for me bugged.

Bugged for me as well. All points were discovered but no achievement for Freywold village, Camp Murroch, Opportunity Point, Durgaz Cabin, and Ramblershire.

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Same issue with Durgaz Cabin. Just discovered it (dunno how I missed it), flew from it, and to it, and the achievement won’t complete.

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Still not fixed. Devs are lazy, Old Blizz would of Hotfixed this.