Khaz Algar Engineering>Devices>Tinkers not working for anyone else?

level 1 is suppose to generate scrap on use, but using refurbished tinkers from the engineering helmet or wrist is not generating any scrap. i feel this gives me little confidence that anything else on the tinkers branch does anything it states.

I made some refurbished tinkers today trying to proc the Refurbished Tinker: Supercollide-O-Tron (which didn’t proc after spare part digging x 1,000…uh, is it even real?). I decided to just use the Alarm-o-turret in the meantime just for the rp value, but I did notice I wasn’t getting scrap when using it.

i’m talking about the on use effect of using tinkers. seems more than 1 thing is broken with engineering

Does it read that it’s guaranteed or that there’s a chance using a tinker will produce scraps?

Oh yes, that’s what I meant too. Sorry, I gave a lot of back story for how I ended up noticing that unnecessarily lol

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it says there’s a chance. however, i have not received scrap a single time in over 2 weeks of consistent use. wish a mod could look into it.

My rough take of tinkers this xpac is that they’re entirely half-baked/unfinished.

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Well there is a whole TWO of em! And one not being useable outside pvp so uh… Yeah a bit of a miss on that part for engy this time around.


for real, why have the tree if there’s no trinkets to use lol