I finished the Uniting the Isles and Bringer of the Light quest. I am meant to turn them in to Khadgar in The Violet Citadel in Legion Dalaran. He is not there. I have logged out and logged back in to the game, restarted my computer, reset my UI, left the city and hearthed back using my Dalaran hearthstone. Nothing. The question marks appear on my map and mini-map, just never him.
Having a very similar issue during my paladin class hall questline. Basically at one point Khadgar left violet citadel and turned into a floating head while inside my class hall. When i accept and complete the quest given from khadgar’s head, I cannot turn it in because its expecting me to turn in to Khadgar in violet citadel who is not there. i’m made sure to complete any other legion quests i was on so there isn’t a phasing conflict, but that didn’t work either.
Having similar issues with some alts that never got Uniting the Isles finished. I’ve unlocked them on other characters before, and the ! mark shows up on the mini-map, but I’m guessing some other version of Khadgar from the current events is phasing the version that offers all these quests.
Replying so I can see if there are any fixes. I’m trying to get the Feathermane tome, but now am stuck after hours of gameplay because I can’t get Khadgar to spawn. Very frustrating.
I see him in so many other places too, but naturally, I can’t turn in “Uniting the Isles” or “Bringer of the Light”.
I may have found a solution, at least it worked for me. Go do the pre patch missions, with Thrall and Magni ect. You will end up back in Dalaran and once you finish with the Bronzebeard family our favorite mage should show back up in the citadel
You have do to the prepatch questline to get Khadgar and even some unrelated NPCs to show up in the Violet Citadel.
BUMP THIS UP this is the solution as of TWW pre patch
The pre-patch questline starts with The War Within.
The bug continues. If you progress the TWW campaign and go back to Legion Dalaran… everything is still there, except Khadgar. He is gone. I never did get my artifact fishing pole on some toons and now I am sitting here w/ a pearl to turn into a person that doesn’t exist. Kinda sucks…
Found him… he is off to the side, but it’s still his TWW version for the prequest stuff and I cannot turn in Legion quests to him. It’s kinda silly.