Khadgar is clearly not Khadgar

He keeps saying he remembers these pre-patch baddies from Classic but he wasn’t even here at the time. Dude was stuck in Outland during Classic.

Who is this imposter? Where is the real Khadgar?


Maybe he just remembers all of us griping about them over a pint of ale at the inns?


I remember this one … in the mountains.


I just love it when he waxes poetic about the memories, are they of azeroth or are they our memories. As if he was there setting up 40 man raid teams to tackle hogger or something. He is just a sock puppet for the developers and this is their “hello fellow children” moment.


Would make sense if he heard about Hogger as the Gnolls did siege Stormwind historically. :robot::newspaper:

Although considering the history about the horrors of Pandaria, I wish the Pandaren luck. :robot::sweat_drops:

It’s Khadgar, only you should have read the chronicles and the curse of Sargeras by Medivh when he was decapitated by Lothar and a jumpscare scream caused the entire forests of Kharazan to be destroyed to what you know now in WoW.

so that some time later he was freed from that curse.

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Dreadlord Khadgar :smiling_imp:

In Dreadlord Khadgar’s tummy :yum:


Because it’s not like he has taken an interest in learning anything ever… Nope. Never learned some magical art of spellcasting, studied at a dark tower’s library under an incredibly knowledgeable teacher, nor explored new areas even outside our realm of reality… Yeah, this guy can’t ever possibly look into recent, recorded events that happened on Azeroth! Obligatory /s.

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You make an excellent point.

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literally. I also love the line where its like “Why are these memories of Azeroth so strong” (paraphrase)

It’s like the devs asking self reflectively why the first 3 expansions are so much better. lol

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To be fair, remembering doesn’t mean you were there.

If someone were to tell me about the Battle of Thermopylae, I could say “I remember that.” not because I was there, obviously, but because I read about it in a history book.

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maybe Khadgar as been the source of evil all along :flushed:


Different gnolls but hogger was the menace of our time

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It’s him bro. It’s him.

He just can’t remember anything clearly anymore. Dude has been a dementia addled wild card that we’ve just been following the lead of for several expansions now.

A chaos mage disguised as a harmless old coot.

Now we’re connecting the dots.

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I wonder if the real Khadgar also equips a belt in the head slot.

Yeah, it was weird.

Dude hasn’t been on Azeroth since the events of Warcraft 2, and the destruction of Draenor.

In fact, he disappeared from Azeroth the same time as Turalyon and Alleria, because they were all on the same mission to stop the orcs and close the Dark Portal.

Which they did, trapping them in Outland. (And we find out in Legion what happened to Alleria and Turalyon, they left the planet on an interdimensional crusade.)

But by the time TBC came around, only Khadgar was still there. And the rest of the Alliance that remained behind.

They basically all missed out on everything from Warcraft 2’s end, the entirety of Warcraft 3, and finally came back into the story probably around Wrath.

Khadgar was probably in Dalaran by the time they moved it to Crystalsong, even if he isn’t physically there. He’s a mage, he can port around. And there isn’t much of a reason for him to be in Outland anymore post-TBC.

Karazhan is also his home again upon his return.

Hey, hey, those quests weren’t removed until Cataclysm. He could have still gone back and done them after finishing BC.

(although personally it interpreted it as having spent long hours down at the pub between expansions swapping stories with adventurers and him being excited about recognizing the stories he’s heard)

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Probably read it in a book.

Dadgar has always been with us, in our hearts.

Gimme that damn staff or I’ll put you into the cheapest nursing home on Kalimdor!

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