Keystone Legend Mount Reward

Completing roughly every M+ dungeon on +12 now rewards a mount for Keystone Legend. (2850 score)

Could we like… not

This is by far the worst season of M+ since it’s initial release and I don’t expect S2 to be any easier considering they already made Workshop, a key that already sucked in SL S4, worse.

As a mount collector, KSM was very obtainable. As a transmog collector, KSH was a challenge that I pick and choose depending on if I actually like the tier set of that season.

Now the game also wants me to get KSL for a mount? Why couldn’t it have been a title, toy banner or something less collectable?

I am not looking forward to being forced to do 12s to keep my mount collection up to date. If this were Dragonflight I wouldn’t complain as M+ then was balanced and fun, but TWW M+ is so bad, I have to. This is torture.


Yeah I dislike this too. They 100% need to revert the dumb change where mobs recast after taking crowd control. They tried it in shadowlands season 1 and reverted it because everyone hated it. They then brought it back for TWW season 1 and guess what? It sucks and we hate it.

Remove all affixes.

Buff tanks and healers.

Let infinite scaling take care of everything.

GG enjoy the tens of millions of extra dollars of players enjoying M+ so much they drag friends back to the game.


It’s great to keep people playing M+. We should get more rewards for 3k+. Can people stop complaining and just play the game?

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Do you get the Gladiator mounts each season?
Do you get the CE mount each season?

Why is this any different then?

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Its about time M+ got an elite mount reward on par with gladiator/CE. As a mount collector if its never bothered you that you couldnt earn those seasonal mounts than this shouldnt bother you either. Its simply above your skill level

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I feel like the biggest issue here is that season 1 of TWW was probably the least fun I’ve ever had, and a huge culprit of that - as mentioned already - is the recast change they made when you stun/cc mobs and they IMMEDIATELY start casting in your face again.

This makes coordination in pugs an absolute nightmare, and trying to pug 12s more casually is almost impossible I would say - regardless of the fact you’ll be sitting in the group finder for sometimes over an hour to even try.

The addition of rewards above KSH is just a pure win. The current state of m+ is a separate issue. 2850 is not bad.

2850 is not exactly on par with either Gladiator or CE, though.

I don’t really like the idea of a mount being there either…it’s just way too bloated, and I wish we could get a different type of reward…something new? maybe a class/role specific reward (skin for druid, weapon illusion for warrior, etc.). We already have a mount associated with keys like you mentioned, so just…why?

I’ve suggested breaking down the ladder into brackets (gold/plat/diamond/master/GM) and then having unique banner toys as the reward for example. Anything new at this point would be a real treat to those of us that have waited for new stuff added to these end-game systems.

Idk, there’s just like no flavor in anything…trading post is a really good example of that.

(no i’m not hating on trading post, i just think the rewards are a bit boring and predictable at this point).

I love this, personally…

Having something higher to push for has got my hyped to actually push keys this next season. Having a mount at 2k is nice but there’s no reason to push from 2k unless you’re R1 capable… this helps bridge that gap and I think its a great change

I was able to pug +12s of the new dungeon, using 665 gear (retail equiv to 626) and finish them with well over 10+ minutes on the timer.

I don’t think it will be that bad.

This is a really bad change. People don’t understand just how much more toxic things are going to be by putting a mount reward at +12s. Oh you used to do +12s last season when only decent players were doing them and the “bad” players stopped at +6-7s? Well now you’re going to have bad players trying to do +12s with you. It’s going to be a miserable experience trying to find/make competent pug groups. Meta only specs will be further reinforced due to grouping being worse and wanting to take zero chances. The grouping issues will also cause more and more rage-outs over small mistakes since groups failing will be more common and your frustration will build.

You can make the reward literally anything else and have none of the issues. A mount though is something that people will absolutely try to attain. PvP mounts require PvP skill and most don’t have that so they are effectively unattainable. Mythic raiding requires a lot of skill, a mythic guild, and big blocks of time that most can’t do and thus won’t try and those mounts are attainable in an expansion or two. +12s though are just on the cusp of attainable so people will try and it’s not going to be good for those that normally do that level of content. I really hope they plan to make the mount attainable by other means in an expansion or two otherwise mount FOMO is going to amplify the toxicity up to 11.

I understand their reasoning though. A mount reward is the only thing that saved M+ back in BFA(?) when participation of even moderate keys was in the single digit percentage of the overall population. Now they think that adding another mount will get people to do more M+, which it will for awhile, but will ultimately hurt the community more than it helps. Anything to get those metrics up in the short term though!

Sure they do. Look what CE has done to raiding. They understand, they just don’t care.


I just play with friends casually and we don’t play meta specs/comps yet always get Keystone Hero / Portals. In dragonflight season 3 I was 2812 io playing casually, so 2850 isn’t out of reach / too hard.

My only concern is they make an overly difficult and annoying / boring season again like TWW S1, then 2850 feels like a massive chore, rather than a fun goal to obtain a mount.

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