Keystone Hero Clarification

Just got Keystone Hero and I’m delighted to see that it unlocks special transmogs for all my characters. My question is, will this always apply to tier sets that were given during Season 3, like can I earn these new transmog pieces once Season 4 comes out or do I have to go and quickly get all the helm / shoulders I can right now?

Tested to be entirely sure, picked up a dreamsurge helm, converted to S2 lfr hunter tier, both horns option available to tmog. Even though the ‘added missing appearance’ text only reported one item learned. Makes sense since the thunderstone is also retroactive for any tier pieces you learned before getting it, just a flag on the account to say you have all of those things whenever the base tier appearance is learned.

Do beware that it’s ONLY for tier pieces, lookalikes will not give the extra options. Buying the BOE DK helm will not give glowy eyes options even if a DK equips it.

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